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Nearby Scooters

The project that collects the scooters data in germany with a mock api, finds the nearest possible scooter and display them in a proper way on the map


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  • MVVM

Tools & libraries/Technologies

  • kotlin as the main programming language
  • Jetpack architecture components
  • Hilt
  • Fused Location provider
  • kotlin-coroutines
  • Junit
  • Retrofit


  • di: Dependency injection module of the application
  • data: Represents Models, Network, Repository classes/interfaces
  • utils: Utils, helper methods of the application
  • view: View layer of MVVM architecture

Key Classes And Functions

  • LocationHelper.kt: An interface with location related methods

  • LocationProvider.kt: Implementation for LocationHelper.kt

  • RepositoryHelper.kt: Interface to manage behavior of RepositoryImpl class

  • RepositoryImpl.kt: Implementation of RepositoryHelper interface which is responsible for feeding viewModel with data

    • override suspend fun fetchScootersFromRemoteSource( userLatLng: LatLng, locationHelper: LocationHelper ): List<Scooter>: Fetches the data retrieved from remote source and returns List<Scooter>
    • ScooterNetworkToDomainMapper.kt: Here's a mapper for mapping the network response to domain model
  • ApiService.kt: Network API calls: responsible for calling the remote source

  • MainViewModel.kt: Application ViewModel

    • fun fetchScooters(userLatLng: LatLng): Retrieves Scooters from remote source and checks if response is successful to change LiveData "State" associated with Places.
    • fun getLastLocation(): Gets user's last location via FusedLocationProviderClient
    • requestLocationUpdates(cancellationToken: CancellationToken): Requests location updates from FusedLocationProviderClient
  • ClusterManagerRenderer.kt: A custom renderer for cluster manager to customize rendering the markers

  • AuthenticationInterceptor.kt: For adding the ApiKey header to requests in generic way

  • LiveDataWrapper.kt: Contains Wrappers for live data to manage Ui State

  • ExtensionFunctions.kt: The place that common extension functions live



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