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Ayooluwa Isaiah edited this page Aug 13, 2023 · 26 revisions

Installing F2

F2 is available as a standalone binary that doesn't require any dependencies or permissions. This means you can start using it by downloading the appropriate binary for your operating system and place it in your $PATH.

However, several other methods are also provided to ease the installation process and handle things like installing the companion man page, shell completion files, and handle updates to the program.

Finally, you can also download the source code and build it yourself provided that you have Go installed.

Install from source

Installing F2 from source is easy using the go install command (requires Go 1.19 or later):

go install

NPM or Yarn

If you've set up a Node.js development environment on your machine, you can install F2 through its npm package. It will automatically select the correct binary for your operating system and architecture.

With npm:

npm i @ayoisaiah/f2 -g

With yarn:

yarn global add @ayoisaiah/f2

Linux distributions

Binary downloads

Download the appropriate file archive for your system architecture, extract the binary, and copy it to your $PATH.

# download archive
curl -LO

# extract archive
tar -xvzf f2_1.9.1_linux_amd64.tar.gz

# make binary executable
chmod +x f2

# move binary to path
sudo mv f2 /usr/local/bin

Arch Linux

F2 is available on the Arch User Repository:

yay -S f2-bin

Debian / Ubuntu (and derivatives)

Download the appropriate deb file for your system architecture from the releases page and install it using the commands below:

curl -LO # 64-bit
sudo dpkg -i f2_1.9.1_linux_amd64.deb

Fedora / CentOS

Download the appropriate rpm file for your system architecture from the releases page and install it using the command below:

curl -LO # 64-bit
sudo rpm -i f2_1.9.1_linux_amd64.rpm


Binary downloads

Download the appropriate file archive for your system architecture, extract the binary, and copy it to your $PATH.

# download archive
curl.exe -LO

# extract archive
tar -xvzf f2_1.9.1_windows_amd64.tar.gz

# move binary a directory in your path
move f2.exe C:\Users\<user>\.bin

Using scoop

scoop bucket add ayoisaiah-scoop-bucket
scoop install f2


Binary downloads

Download the appropriate file archive for your system architecture, extract the binary, and copy it to your $PATH.

# download archive
curl -LO

# extract archive
tar -xvzf f2_1.9.1_darwin_amd64.tar.gz

# make binary executable
chmod +x f2

# move binary to path
sudo mv f2 /usr/local/bin

Android (Termux)

Download the appropriate file archive for your system architecture, extract the binary, and copy it to your $PATH.

# download archive
curl -LO

# extract archive
tar -xvzf f2_1.9.1_android_arm64.tar.gz

# make binary executable
chmod +x f2

# move binary to path
mv f2 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin