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VS Code extension

The available VS Code extension can be found under /extension.

Build & Package

  • npm install: install all packages
  • npm run build: build the extension and webviews
  • npm run download:engine: download and unpack the latest master engine
  • npm run package: package the extension as .vsix file

Debugging the extension

Make sure that all packages are installed, i.e. run npm install. Building and packaging are not needed. Simply start the Run Extension launch config, which will also activate the watch mode.

Connect to another Ivy Engine

If you do not want to use the embedded engine as backend, you can define an alternative under VS Code Settings / Axon Ivy. Simply uncheck Engine: Run By Extension and set Engine: Url you want to use.

Integration Tests

Playwright tests can be executed against VSCode Insiders or openvscode-server

VS Code Insiders

Make sure that an Engine is running on localhost:8080. It will be used as the backend for testing.

  • npm run test:playwright:download:vscode: download latest VSCode Insiders
  • npm run test:playwright: run all tests against electron app


Build the openvscode-server docker image using the Dockerfile located under /build/integration/openvscode-server/server/Dockerfile, e.g.:

  • docker build -t openvscodeserver -f build/integration/openvscode-server/Dockerfile ..

Then run the container using

  • docker run -it --init -p 3000:3000 -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 -p 8082:8082 openvscodeserver --disable-workspace-trust


  • npm run test:playwright:browser: run all tests against openvscode-server in browser


VS Code Extension for Axon Ivy



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