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Amazon GameLift Anywhere Demo - Gomoku-in-go

Amazon GameLift Anywhere extends your game server compute choices for GameLift fleet from GameLift managed instances while still leveraing key GameLift features like matchmaking and game session placement queue. You can create a GameLift Anywhere fleet and add your on-premises servers to leverage your exsiting on-premises investment, EC2 instances or ECS tasks in your AWS account to have more control over the management, or your development machines to the fleet for easier game server development and debugging.

This repo contains source codes for a sample game server application, gomoku-in-go, which is re-written in golang from the original Visual C++ GomokuServer for GameLift SDK 5.0 demo purpose and removing dependencies on Visual Studio and Windows server.

Also this repo contains AWS CDK codes, also written in golang, which deploys AWS resources required for running GameLift Anywhere fleet and demonstration scenarios.

Building gomoku game server

Frist you will need to build a game server.

  1. Clone this repo
git clone
  1. Download GameLift SDK from the link below and unzip it.
cd amazon-gamelift-anywhere-sample
  1. Go to gomoku-game-server folder, copy GameLift-SDK for Go language, and build an executable. (Install golang if not yet installed)
cd gomoku-game-server/
cp -R ../GameLift-Go-ServerSDK-5.0.0/ ./
sudo yum install golang -y
go mod tidy
go build .

Deploy AWS resources

Frist you will need to build a game server.

  1. Update the context section in gamelift-anywhere-with-autoscaling-group/cdk-typescript/cdk.json accordingly.
  "context": {
    "GameLiftEndpoint": "wss://", 
    "deploymentRegion": "ap-northeast-2",
    "keyPairName": "enterYourKey"

GameLiftEndpoint : GameLift endpoint where you want to deploy GameLift Anywhere fleet. GameLift endpoints deploymentRegion : Target region where you want to deploy GameLift Anywhere fleet. keyPairName : Your ssh key pair name

  1. Copy game server binary and deploy AWS resources for Amazon GameLift Anywhere sample with following CDK command.
# Move to cdk directory
cd ../gamelift-anywhere-with-autoscaling-group/cdk-typescript/

# Copy game server binary to ./gamebinaries/ folder
cp ../../gomoku-game-server/gomoku-in-go gamebinaries/

# Install cdk application dependencies
npm install

# Generate and check CloudFormation template 
cdk synth

# Deploy AWS resrouces
cdk deploy GameLiftAnywhereStack

You will need to manually approve the cdk deployment after cdk deploy command

Demo scenarios

  1. Pre-requisites
  1. Then register your server using aws gamelift register-compute command
TOKEN=$(curl -s -X PUT "" -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds: 21600")                                
INSTANCE_ID=$(curl -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN"
IP_ADDRESS=$(curl -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: ${TOKEN}"
FLEET_ID=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name GameliftAnywhereStack --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='FleetId'].OutputValue" --output text)
aws gamelift register-compute --compute-name ${INSTANCE_ID} --fleet-id ${FLEET_ID}  --ip-address ${IP_ADDRESS} --location cucustom-anywhere-location

  1. Run the game server
./gomoku-in-go -port 4000 -endpoint wss:// -fleet-id ${FLEET_ID} --host-id ${INSTANCE_ID}
  1. Open another terminal and run python test client script.
% ./testclient/
[player 0 ] start_matchmaking sent to Client Backend Service.
[player 1 ] start_matchmaking sent to Client Backend Service.
[player 0 ][score: 1000 ] matchmaking status:  PLACING
[player 1 ][score: 1000 ] matchmaking status:  PLACING
[player 0 ][score: 1000 ] matchmaking status:  PLACING
[player 1 ][score: 1000 ] matchmaking status:  PLACING
[player 0 ][score: 1000 ] matchmaking status:  PLACING
[player 1 ][score: 1000 ] matchmaking status:  PLACING
[player 0 ][score: 1000 ] matchmaking status:  PLACING
[player 1 ][score: 1000 ] matchmaking status:  PLACING
[player 0 ][score: 1000 ] matchmaking status:  PLACING
[player 1 ][score: 1000 ] matchmaking status:  PLACING
[player 0 ][score: 1000 ] matchmaking status:  PLACING
[player 1 ][score: 1000 ] matchmaking status:  PLACING
[player 0 ][score: 1000 ] match created: : 4000
[player 0 ][score: 1000 ] match created: : 4000
[player 1 ][score: 1000 ] match created: : 4000
[player 1 ][score: 1000 ] match created: : 4000
[player 0 ] connected to game server
[player 0 ] StartRequest sent to game server
[player 1 ] connected to game server
[player 1 ] StartRequest sent to game server
Please enter any key to terminate game sessions:


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.