A one dimensional game for 1- multiple plays. There is a grid with randomly placed walls/ barriers. There are target spots, with a uquine color and design. There is a set of robots with different colors. A token matching one of the target spots on the grid is revealed. The Goal: Find the shortest path to get the robot of the same color as the token to the target spot. With multiple players: Be the first to find the shortest path to get the robot to the target spot. A player that finds the path calls out the number of steps the robot takes to get to the target spot. A one minute timer starts and other players have one minute to find a shorter path.
- Restrictions:
- Determining the path must be done visually. No hands on the board until the player with the short path bid can show the path.
- Robots can only move up, down, left, right.
- The robots must hit a wall to stop moving.
- Start with just one robot and one target spot on a simple grid.
- Use a game tree.
- The startingNode of a tree will be a state of the grid with the robot.
- The childernNode will be possible states of the grid in one move.
- The short path will be a breadthFristSearch to the leaf where the robot has reached the target spot.