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Authgear React Native Demo App

This app is for demonstrating the usage of functions supportted by @authgear/react-native SDK.

Initial setup

Environment Setup

Please read the environment setup guildlines by the official react-native team


Install dependencies

# In root of React Native demo app

Start Metro server

# In root of React Native demo app
yarn start

Build Android app

  1. By command line

    # In root of React Native demo app
    yarn android
  2. By Android Studio

    i. Open the android folder using Android Studio

    ii. Select device to build the app on

    iii. Click the Run button (play button)

Build IOS App

  1. Install CocoaPods dependencies

    # In root of React Native demo app
    cd ios && pod install && cd ..

    NOTE: make sure you enabled XCode command line tools (XCode Preference -> Location -> Command Line Tools)

  2. Build by command line

    # In root of React Native demo app
    yarn android
  3. Build by Xcode

    i. Configure Signing and Capabilities in XCode for signing the app

    ii. Click Build button in XCode (play button)