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Drupical is an easily configurable Vagrant box for developing Drupal projects.

The Vagrant box comes with the following software:

  • Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 OR Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64
  • PHP 5.3 (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 / precise64) OR PHP 5.5 (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64 / trusty64)
  • MySQL5
  • Apache2
  • Solr
  • Memcache
  • Varnish
  • Composer
  • Phing
  • Nodejs
  • Grunt
  • Ruby2
  • OpenSSL


1. Include the repository

Inside the root of your repository:

git clone --depth=1 [email protected]:ONEAgency/drupical.git vagrant && cd vagrant && rm -rf .git

2. Set up your project configuration:

cp example.vagrant.settings.json local.vagrant.settings.json

In local.vagrant.settings.json:

  • Replace all instances of PROJECT_NAME with the machine name of your project (e.g. my_project) and SITE_HOST with the local host name (e.g. my-project.local).
  • If your Drupal docroot is not located at /docroot in your repo change "source" : "../docroot" to the path of your Drupal docroot, relative to the vagrant directory.

3. Provision the box



Including Drupical in your Project

Drupical should be set up as a sub directory of your project's repository. Ideally your repository looks like this:

  • docroot (your Drupal code)
  • vagrant (the Drupical code)
  • ... (other project files and directories)

Follow these steps for inlcuding the latest version of Drupical in your project:

cd /to/your/project/dir/root
git clone --depth=1 [email protected]:ONEAgency/drupical.git vagrant && rm -rf vagrant/.git

You can also add Drupical as a submodule if you want to keep track of changes:

git submodule add [email protected]:ONEAgency/drupical.git vagrant

Configuring Drupical for your Project

You can configure Drupical by creating your own local.vagrant.settings.json settings file. The file will override all settings found in default.vagrant.settings.json. See the Configuration topic for a full reference.

The most important configuration options are:

Property Default Description
box_name drupal The name identifying your Vagrant box
box_type oa/drupical-trusty64-base Choose ubuntu flavor, oa/drupical-trusty64-base / oa/drupical-precise64-base
box_url Depends on ubuntu flavor, see default.vagrant.settings.json
vagrant_synced_folders A list of folders to sync with Vagrant
vhosts A list of apache2 vhosts
solr.solr_install false Install solr, possible values are true / false
solr.solr_version 3.6.2 / 4.10.4 The solr version
rmdbs.root_password 10moioui The MySQL root user password
rmdbs.use-mysql-persistent-storage false Use persistent storage for mysql database, possible values are true / false. Limited to 5GB.
varnish_install true Install varnish, possible values are true / false
php.php_version 5.x The PHP version that will be installed
php.enable_php_phing false Install phing, possible values are true / false
php.enable_php_composer false Install composer, possible values are true / false
php.enable_php_drush true Install drush, possible values are true / false

Provisioning the Vagrant Box

Execute the following commands inside the vagrant folder.




rake core:up


sudo apt-get install virtualbox 
sudo apt-get install vagrant
rake environment:install_dependencies_vagrant 
rake core:up


Managing the Vagrant box

You can manage your box with the following commands. Execute them from the vagrant directory:

Command Rake command Description
ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa && vagrant up rake core:up Boot
vagrant reload rake core:reload Reboot
vagrant ssh rake core:ssh Log in via SSH
vagrant halt rake core:halt Power off
vagrant suspend rake core:suspend Sleep
vagrant destroy rake core:destroy Remove the box (run vagrant up OR rake core:up to set it up again).

For full overview of all Rake commands: rake -T More information is also available in the official Vagrant documentation.

Accessing your files

By default the parent directory of the box is mounted on /vagrant.


Host machine path: /Users/Tyrion/projects/example/docroot/sites

Vagrant path: /Users/Tyrion/projects/example/vagrant

Path on the Vagrant box (log in via vagrant ssh): /vagrant/docroot/sites

Managing your database

If you prefer a native app like SequelPro follow these instructions:

  • In the vagrant dir, run vagrant ssh-config
  • Copy the IdentityFile path
  • Execute ssh-add -K /path/to/identityfile
  • In SequelPro, create a new connection of type SSH
  • MySQL Host:
  • Username: root
  • Password: your project's rmdbs password (e.g. 10moioui)
  • SSH Host: your project's hostname (e.g. my-project.local)
  • SSH User: vagrant
  • SSH Port: see output vagrant ssh-config



If your issue is not listed below, please reboot your machine.

Problem Solution
Permission error on a log directory when booting. On the host machine, remove all but the .gitkeep file in the logs directory and run vagrant reload.
mount.nfs: access denied error Run rake emergency_fix:nfs.
403 / Forbidden error when visiting the site in a browser Run rake core:reload.
No connection error when going to the website in a browser Run rake maintenance:restart_apache && rake maintenance:restart_mysql.
Box in wrong state error Run rake core:destroy, remove the .vagrant directory and check if there are corrupt devices that should be removed in VirtualBox -> File -> Virtual Media Manager.
Network interface is defined twice Install most recent version of vagrant.
There was an error while executing VBoxManage Run rake emergency_fix:forcekill && rake core:reload. If that fails, restart your machine.
Vagrant won't boot after cancelling vagrant up with cmd + c Run rake emergency_fix:forcekill && rake core:reload. If that fails, restart your machine.
Vagrant won't start: "A virtual machine with the name xxx123 already exists" Run rake core:destroy, remove the .vagrant directory and check if there are corrupt devices that should be removed in VirtualBox -> File -> Virtual Media Manager.


See the contribution guidelines in the wiki.