This bundle provides integration of Sphinx search engine with Symfony.
- SphinxQL Query Builder
- Integration with doctrine/orm
- Integration with knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle
- Symfony Profiler toolbar section with number of executed queries and profiler page with detailed information about executed queries
- Ability to test search using Behat scenarios
- PHP 7.1+
- pdo_mysql php extension
Install the bundle using composer:
composer require javer/sphinx-bundle
Add to your app/config/config.yml
the following options:
port: 9306
Full configuration with default values:
port: 9306
config_path: "%kernel.root_dir%/config/sphinx.conf"
data_dir: "%kernel.cache_dir%/sphinx"
searchd_path: searchd
Synthetic example of SELECT query which returns an array:
$results = $this->container->get('sphinx')
->select('id', 'column1', 'column2', 'WEIGHT() as weight')
->from('index1', 'index2')
->where('column3', 'value1')
->where('column4', '>', 4)
->where('column5', [5, '6'])
->where('column6', 'NOT IN', [7, '8'])
->where('column7', 'BETWEEN', [9, 10])
->match('column8', 'value2')
->match(['column9', 'column10'], 'value3')
->withinGroupOrderBy('column13', 'desc')
->having('weight', '>', 2)
->orderBy('column15', 'desc')
->option('agent_query_timeout', 10000)
->option('max_matches', 1000)
->option('field_weights', '(column9=10, column10=3)')
Paginate a list of entities fetched from the database using Doctrine ORM QueryBuilder by searching phrase in them using Sphinx:
$queryBuilder = $this->container->get('doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager')
->select('p', 'i')
->from('AppBundle:Product', 'p')
->join('AppBundle:Image', 'i')
->where('p.owner = :owner')
->setParameter('owner', $this->getUser());
$query = $this->container->get('sphinx')
->match(['name', 'description'], $searchQuery)
->where('owner_id', $this->getUser()->getId())
->orderBy('created', 'desc')
->useQueryBuilder($queryBuilder, 'p');
$paginator = $this->container->get('knp_paginator')
->paginate($query, $request->query->get('page', 1), 20);
Sample shpinx.conf for the given example above:
source product
type = mysql
sql_host = localhost
sql_user = user
sql_pass = password
sql_db = database_name
sql_query = \
SELECT, p.owner_id,, p.description, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(p.created) as created, \
FROM product p \
WHERE p.deletedAt IS NULL
sql_attr_uint = owner_id
sql_attr_timestamp = created
index product
source = product
path = /usr/local/var/data/product
morphology = stem_en
min_stemming_len = 3
To be able to test search in Behat scenarios there is built-in behat context SphinxContext.
To use it you should add this context in your behat.yml, for example:
Behat\Symfony2Extension: ~
- Javer\SphinxBundle\Behat\Context\SphinxContext
Please note that Symfony2Extension Behat extension is required to be able to use this feature.
Then you should add a new step to your scenario:
Given I create search index and run sphinx
This step:
- creates a new configuration for sphinx based on your configuration
- converts all MySQL indexes to real-time indexes
- starts daemon
- loads data from the database to indexes for converted MySQL -> real-time indexes
- stops daemon at the end of the scenario
Please note that you should explicitly declare all text fields in your indexes in the following form:
source product
#!sql_field_string = name
It is not necessary when you declare fields for MySQL index in sphinx.conf, but it is needed to be able to convert indexes to real-time.
If you use sqlite as the database engine for running tests you should take into account that not all functions of the MySQL are presented in sqlite, so you should use portable analogs for these functions:
IF(condition, true, false)
->CASE WHEN condition THEN true ELSE false END
- and so on