This is a Python3 port of pyttsx, which is a cross-platform Python wrapper for text-to-speech synthesis. The original software is available at
import pyttsx engine = pyttsx.init() engine.say('Greetings!') engine.say('How are you today?') engine.runAndWait()
See for documentation of the full API.
- nsss - NSSpeechSynthesizer on Mac OS X 10.5 and higher
- sapi5 - SAPI5 on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and (untested) Windows 7
- espeak - eSpeak on any distro / platform that can host the shared library (e.g., Ubuntu / Fedora Linux)
Email the author if you have wrapped or are interested in wrapping another text-to-speech engine for use with pyttsx.
- Python Package Index for downloads (
- GitHub site for source, bugs, and q&a (
- ReadTheDocs for docs (
Copyright (c) 2009, 2013 Peter Parente All rights reserved.