This is a site for demonstrating CSRF and XSS vulnerabilities.
PHP has only been chosen as it is widely understood. All web applications need to be mindful of these vulnerabilities, regardless of the language or framework they are created with.
- Heroku account
- Heroku toolbelt installed and ready
- git
- Your favourite text editor
git clone wids-site
cd wids-site
heroku create
heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql
# You will receive a line of output like:
# (Yours may be different) - copy the value you got and use it in the next command
heroku config:set DATABASE_URL=$(heroku config:get HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_OLIVE_URL)
git push heroku master
heroku run bin/php www/setup/setup.php
This is twitter for cats, called "Meowwer!". It essentially a twitter clone, but with far fewer features.
Site features:
- A user has many posts.
- All posts are public.
User attributes:
- id
- username
- password
- pic_url
- is_admin
Post attributes:
- id
- user_id
- content