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Added Getting Started Guide for Update Bitstream.
Added steps to program the FPGA to Getting started document
  • Loading branch information
OyinkuroBenafa committed Dec 1, 2021
1 parent e3d7a4c commit f479ead
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Binary file modified CortexM0_DesignStart/contents/Module_4/Lab/IntroSoC_lab04.docx
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Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
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@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Script: update_bitstream.tcl
# Arguments: None
# Use: Call "source update_bitstream.tcl" to create a new bitstream flashed with the updated contents.
# Designed for use with AHB2BRAM.v module in the ARM Cortx M0 project.
# Requirements: - The following files in the following locations:
# existing within the project directory (same directory as this script) with correct data within,
# -up-to-date bitstream called "AHBLITE_SYS.bit" exists in the implementation run directory,
# - The implemented design of the latest run is open.
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

#Source the header file if not defined. Defines procedures generate_mmi and generate_mem.
if {[info procs generate_mem] eq ""} {
source update_bitstream_header.tcl

generate_mmi bram.mmi ;#Generate the .mmi file from the implemented design
generate_mem code.hex code.mem ;#Create the code.mem file from

#Update the memory, reading from the latest bitstream in the implementation directory
set bitstream [get_property DIRECTORY [current_run -implementation]]; append bitstream "/AHBLITE_SYS.bit"
exec updatemem -debug --meminfo bram.mmi --data code.mem --bit $bitstream --proc my_bram --out reflash.bit -force
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# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Procedure: generate_mmi
# Arguments: - mmi_file
# Name of the mmi file to be generated
# Use: Generate the .mmi file using the location information from the implemented design.
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

proc generate_mmi {mmi_file} {
#If the current open implemented design does not equal the latest implementation run, open the implemented design
if {[current_run -implementation] != [current_design]} { open_run [current_run -implementation] }
#Create a list of the BRAM locations in loc_list.
set list_mem [get_property LOC [get_cells -hierarchical -filter { PRIMITIVE_TYPE =~ BMEM.bram.* && NAME =~ "uAHB2RAM*" }]]
set loc_list {}
foreach x $list_mem {
lappend loc_list [string map {RAMB36_ {}} $x]
#Write the header to the .mmi file.
set DataWidth "\t\t\t\t\t<DataWidth MSB=\"31\" LSB=\"0\"/>"
set AddressRange "\t\t\t\t\t<AddressRange Begin=\"0\" End=\"4095\"/>"
set Parity "\t\t\t\t\t<Parity ON=\"false\" NumBits=\"0\"/>"
set CloseBitLane "\t\t\t\t</BitLane>"
set PreBitLane "\t\t\t\t<BitLane MemType=\"RAMB36\" Placement=\""
set PostBitLane "\">"
set fd [open "mmi.tmp" w]
puts $fd "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
puts $fd "<MemInfo Version=\"1\" Minor=\"15\">"
puts $fd "\t<Processor Endianness=\"Little\" InstPath=\"my_bram\">"
puts $fd "\t\t<AddressSpace Name=\"memory\" Begin=\"0\" End=\"16384\">"
puts $fd "\t\t\t<BusBlock>"
set bString ""
#Create a new BitLane object in the .mmi for each BRAM block in loc_list.
foreach BitLane $loc_list {
set bString ""
append bString $PreBitLane $BitLane $PostBitLane
puts $fd $bString
puts $fd $DataWidth
puts $fd $AddressRange
puts $fd $Parity
puts $fd $CloseBitLane
#Write the footer to the .mmi file.
puts $fd "\t\t\t</BusBlock>"
puts $fd "\t\t</AddressSpace>"
puts $fd "\t</Processor>"
puts $fd "\t<Config>"
puts $fd "\t\t<Option Name=\"Part\" Val=\"xc7a35tcpg236-1\"/>"
puts $fd "\t</Config>"
puts $fd "\t<DRC>"
puts $fd "\t\t<Rule Name=\"RDADDRCHANGE\" Val=\"false\"/>"
puts $fd "\t</DRC>"
puts $fd "</MemInfo>"
#Move the file from mmi.tmp to bram.mmi, deleting the temporary file.
close $fd
file copy -force mmi.tmp bram.mmi
file delete mmi.tmp

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Procedure: byte_reverse
# Arguments: - str
# Hexadecimal string of integer number of bytes
# Use: Reverse the order of the bytes in a hexadecimal string.
# Called by generate_mem when converting the .data file to .mem due to memory mapping in .mem format.
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

proc byteReverse {str} {
set strLength [string length $str]
set bytesPerString [ expr {$strLength / 2} ]
set reverseString {}
#Firstly, reverse the string: {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7} -> {7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0}
for {set i 0} {$i < $strLength} {incr i} {
append reverseString [string index $str [expr {$strLength - $i - 1}]]
#Swap the order of the nibbles: {7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} -> {6 7 4 5 2 3 0 1}
set nibbleSwapString {}
for {set i 0} {$i < $bytesPerString} {incr i} {
append nibbleSwapString [string index $reverseString [expr {2*$i + 1}]]
append nibbleSwapString [string index $reverseString [expr {2*$i }]]
set nibbleSwapString

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Procedure: generate_mem
# Arguments: - data_file
# The name of the .data file containing the memory initialization data in hex.
# - mem_file
# The name of the .mem output file to be created.
# This name is parameterized in update_bitstream.tcl to be passed to the updatemem command.
# Use: Convert the .data file to the .mem file, performing all of the byte mapping.
# Terms: Chunk - four 32-bit words (8 character hex strings) which are written in packets to the mem_file.
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

proc generate_mem {data_file mem_file} {
#Write the Memory Address start prefix to the .mem file
set prefix "@0000"
set fo [open code.tmp w]
puts $fo $prefix
set fi [open $data_file r] ;#Open the file specified by data_file {} for read.
set bytes_per_word 4 ;#Bytes per word - hardcoded to 4 (32-bit words). Used for timing when to write chunks.
set ChunksDone 1 ;#ChunksDone is set to <0 at EOF. Used to break out of while loop.
set chunkCounter 0 ;#chunkCounter counts up to 4 for each word read in. Once it reaches four the chunk is written to the mem_file.
set chunkList {0 0 0 0}
while {($ChunksDone >= 0)} {
set ChunksDone [gets $fi line] ;#chunksDone contains the latest line of the data_file.
#If the loop has reached EOF, pad the chunkList with "00000000" and write it to the output file before exiting loop.
if {$ChunksDone < 0} {
for {set i $chunkCounter} {$i < $bytes_per_word} {incr i} {
lset chunkList $i "00000000"
#Write the padded chunk to the output file.
for {set i 0} {$i < $bytes_per_word} {incr i} {
set lineStr {}
foreach line $chunkList {
append lineStr [string index $line [expr {2*$i} ]]
append lineStr [string index $line [expr {2*$i + 1} ]]
puts $fo $lineStr
#If the line was not EOF, add the reversed word to the chunkList and increment the loop indicating valid word.
} else {
lset chunkList $chunkCounter [byteReverse $line]
incr chunkCounter
#If the number of valid words in the chunk is 4, write the chunk to memory and reset the counter.
if {$chunkCounter == 4} {
set chunkCounter 0
# Write the full chunk to the output file.
for {set i 0} {$i < $bytes_per_word} {incr i} {
set lineStr {}
foreach line $chunkList {
append lineStr [string index $line [expr {2*$i} ]]
append lineStr [string index $line [expr {2*$i + 1} ]]
puts $fo $lineStr
close $fi ;#Close the file objects.
close $fo
file copy -force code.tmp $mem_file ;#Overwrite the existing .mem with the .tmp file
file delete code.tmp ;#Delete code.tmp
Binary file modified CortexM0_DesignStart/contents/Module_5/Lab/IntroSoC_lab05.docx
Binary file not shown.

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