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art and craft store

Welcome to the art and craft store website, your ultimate destination for exploring and showcasing beautiful wooden crafts!

Live Site

Visit the live site:


  • Homepage:   - Navbar with logo, website name, and user authentication (login/register)   - Craft Items Section displaying various textile arts with "View Details" buttons   - Art & Craft Categories Section featuring subcategories of art and craft store   - Footer with website information 

  • Add Craft Item Page:   - Private/protected route for adding new textile craft items   - Form for uploading item details including image, name, description, price, etc.   - Success message display using toast/sweet alert

  • All Art & Craft Items Page:   - Display all textile craft items added by users in a table format   - Each item row includes basic details and a "View Details" button   - Private/protected route displaying detailed information of a selected textile craft item

  • My Art&Craft List Page:   - Private/protected route showing textile craft items added by the logged-in user   - Cards for each item with options to update or delete   - Private/protected route for updating details of a textile craft item   - Form or modal with fields to edit item information

  • Authentication:   - Password and email-based login/register functionality   - Social login options (Google, GitHub, etc.)

  • Additional Features:   - Dark/Light theme toggle on the homepage   - 404 Page for handling not found errors

Technologies Used

  • Frontend:   - React.js with react-router-dom for routing   - Firebase Authentication for user authentication   - Tailwind-css for UI components

  • Backend:   - Node.js with Express.js for server-side logic   - Environment variables for sensitive data protection   -Mongodb for database

Getting Started

To run this project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:     bash     git clone    

  2. Navigate to the project directory:     cd art-and-craft-store-client

  3. Install dependencies:     npm install

  4. Start the development server:     npm start

  5. Server-side git-repo     bash     git clone    


Email : [email protected]