1.18.0 (2023-04-17)
ocean: add ocean primitive to schema (#525 ) (ec41bbc )
particle-system: add environment features for dust, snow, rain (#523 ) (e2105ae )
scenes: add quick enter-in-ar button (8ba2777 )
spe-particles: added spe-particles system (with arenaxr fork fixing THREE 0.147) (#524 ) (d22bacc )
Bug Fixes
attribution: fixed crash from GLTFs missing model data (34daed0 )
auth: add security link in settingd dialog (51619af )
avatar: allow mic/network icons alpha channel to render against transparent (31be8ce )
build: add build desc for a-text, minor fixes (8f39aea )
build: add schema modelUpdate, other minor fixes (3ac11b1 )
build: added missing types and a-text descriptions (ff83816 )
clean up event listener for got-url (8833e9f )
cleanup listener for video-control (3850021 )
ensure old gotourl eventlistener is removed (89820fe )
handle load modelUpdates from persist/create (6ecbf03 )
incorrect gotourl data attr from 8833e9f (e7ddea1 )
jitsi: show moderator status in user list (34df699 )
material-extras: no texture loads on empty source; transverse all objects checking if they are a mesh (6846082 )
material-extras: set mesh.material.depthTest=false when transparentOccluder=true (a26697b )
more typos (4864ceb )
runtime-mngr: fixed missing runtime LWT on cleanup (18e9eb5 )
schema: add example to modelUpdate (3223ef2 )
schema: future-proof schema support with 'deprecated' attribute (fd306f6 )
settings: add hover titles for links in settings (7a08249 )
spe-particles: fixed wiggle schema formatting (53aeae6 )
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