Create by George Spearing for Arcana Workshop March 2020
The lanfill model is run by an Arduino Nano with a breakout board to control audio track files. The audio track files live on the microSD card in the breakout board. Formmating for files are shown below.
The audio tracks are labeled using the scheme "TRACK000.wav" where "000" is the track identifier. These track numbers correspond to the buttons which light up specific sections.
- "000" Electric Power Plant
- "001" Empty - Not Used
- "002" Ground Water
- "003" Ground Liner
- "004" Leache Runoff
- "005" Gas Collection
- "006" Garbage Layer
- "007" Ground (Surface Layer)
The Arduino uses the TMRpcm library to play audio track from a microSD card. The full documentation for this library can be found at
In summary, the tracks should be formatted as follows:
- Mono track
- 32000Hz (22050, 1600, 11025 also work)
- WAV, Unsigned 8 bit PCM
I hope this doesn't need to be reprogrammed. There are two nano boards. 1 is the master and mainly controls all the leds. This is also the master to control the slave arduino file playing. The salve nano is a dedicated audio interpreter and player. This uses the micro SD card breakout. To program the slave nano, the SD car must NOT be connected. the MISO/MISI connections with the usbtiny during programming fail the upload. There is a switch on the circuit board that disables the SD card interface. Turn this off when progrmaming. DON'T FORGET TO TURN BACK ON ONCE DONE.