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Quizzy - Online Quiz System

StyleCI Status Scrutinizer Quality Score Build Status

Current Version: v0.2.0

Technologies used so far...

Frameworks, Libraries, Packages etc...

Followed Standards

  • PSR-4 Autoloading Standard.
  • PSR-2 Coding Standard.

Live Demo

Live Demo Link


  • PHP 7.3 minimum
  • Composer
  • MySQL or MariaDB
  • NodeJS
    • If you want to update the style or javascript, you need to recompile.
  • PCNTL PHP Extension.

Installation Process

Copy .env.example to .env

php -r "file_exists('.env') || copy('.env.example', '.env');"

Key Generate

php artisan key:generate

Update Environment Values

Edit .env file and update the values related to mysql config and site settings.

Install composer packages

composer install

Install Node Packages

(skip this step if you do not want to update style and javascript)

npm install

Migrate Database

php artisan migrate

Install settings and admin details (Coming Soon)

php artisan site:install

Follow the steps shown in your terminal and complete the installation process.

Setup Author Digest

You can send digest email to authors manually by running below command.

php artisan send:author-digest

However, the author digest has been scheduled to be run in 10 AM every day. You need to run the scheduler using crontab.

php artisan schedule:run

The digest will be processed in background. You need to run Horizon in background for the best service. However, you can switch to database or simple redis based queue processing also.

php artisan horizon

Alternatively, for simple redis or database based queue processing, run-

php artisan queue:work

For switching to database based queue system, you need to update below ENV variables-


For switching from queue system to instant processing, you need to update below ENV variables-