analytics-elixir is a non-supported third-party client for Segment
Add the following to deps section of your mix.exs: {:segment, github: "stueccles/analytics-elixir"}
and then mix deps.get
Start the Segment agent with your write_key from Segment
There are then two ways to call the different methods on the API.
A basic way through Segment.Analytics
or by passing a full Struct
with all the data for the API (allowing Context and Integrations to be set)
This is how I add to a Phoenix project (may not be your preferred way)
- Add the following to deps section of your mix.exs:
{:segment, github: "stueccles/analytics-elixir"}
and thenmix deps.get
- Add segment to applications list in the Phoenix project mix.exs ie.
def application do
[mod: {FormAndThread, []},
applications: [:phoenix, :phoenix_html, :cowboy, :logger,
:phoenix_ecto, :postgrex, :segment]]
- Add a config variable for your write_key (may want to make this environment dependent) ie.
config :segment,
write_key: "2iFFnRsCfi"
- Start the segment agent as a child of the application in the application file under the lib directory. In the children list add:
worker(Segment, [Application.get_env(:segment, :write_key)])
Segment.Analytics.track(user_id, event, %{property1: "", property2: ""})
or the full way using a struct with all the possible options for the track call
%Segment.Analytics.Track{ userId: "sdsds",
event: "eventname",
properties: %{property1: "", property2: ""}
|> Segment.Analytics.track
Segment.Analytics.identify(user_id, %{trait1: "", trait2: ""})
or the full way using a struct with all the possible options for the identify call
%Segment.Analytics.Identify{ userId: "sdsds",
traits: %{trait1: "", trait2: ""}
|> Segment.Analytics.identify
Segment.Analytics.screen(user_id, name)
or the full way using a struct with all the possible options for the screen call
%Segment.Analytics.Screen{ userId: "sdsds",
name: "dssd"
|> Segment.Analytics.screen
Segment.Analytics.alias(user_id, previous_id)
or the full way using a struct with all the possible options for the alias call
%Segment.Analytics.Alias{ userId: "sdsds",
previousId: "dssd"
|> Segment.Analytics.alias, group_id)
or the full way using a struct with all the possible options for the group call
%Segment.Analytics.Group{ userId: "sdsds",
groupId: "dssd"
|>, name)
or the full way using a struct with all the possible options for the page call
%Segment.Analytics.Page{ userId: "sdsds",
name: "dssd"
There are not many tests at the moment. But you can run a live test on your segment account by running.
SEGMENT_KEY=yourkey mix test