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This is an experimental CLI tool for running unit tests against your Router rhai scripts. It allows you to write unit tests in rhai that feel familiar and natural. This provides not only the mechanism to write and run the tests but also utilities for mocking apollo objects that allow you to fully test against the Router lifecycle.


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This is an experimental CLI tool for running unit tests against your Router rhai scripts. It allows you to write unit tests in rhai that feel familiar and natural. This provides not only the mechanism to write and run the tests but also utilities for mocking apollo objects that allow you to fully test against the Router lifecycle.

⚠️ Disclaimer ⚠️

This project is experimental and is not a fully-supported Apollo Graph project. We may not respond to issues and pull requests at this time.

Getting Started

To install rhai test, run the installer:

curl -sSL | sh

This will download the latest executable, store it in a folder in your user home directory (~/.rhai-test), and add this folder to your $PATH.

# Will find config file and run your tests. Note that you will need a config file for this to work.

Note: If this script does not automatically update your $PATH, make sure you update it to include ~/.rhai-test/bin

export PATH=$PATH:~/.rhai-test/bin


Given this rhai script:

fn process_request(request) {
    log_info("processing request");
    let valid_client_names = ["apollo-client", "retail-website"];

    if ("apollographql-client-version" in request.headers && "apollographql-client-name" in request.headers) {
      let client_header = request.headers["apollographql-client-version"];
      let name_header = request.headers["apollographql-client-name"];      
      if !valid_client_names.contains(name_header) {
        log_error("Invalid client name provided");
        throw #{
          status: 401,
          message: "Invalid client name provided"
      if client_header == "" {
        log_error("No client version provided");
        throw #{
          status: 401,
          message: "No client version provided"
    else {
      log_error("No client headers set. Please provide headers: apollographql-client-name and apollographql-client-version");
      throw #{
        status: 401,
        message: "No client headers set. Please provide headers: apollographql-client-name and apollographql-client-version"

Here is a set of unit tests:

test("Should throw an error when no client headers are provided", ||{
    let request = apollo_mocks::get_supergraph_service_request();

    const execute = || {
        import "client_id" as client_id;


test("Should throw an error with message when no client headers are provided", ||{
    let request = apollo_mocks::get_supergraph_service_request();

    const execute = || {
        import "client_id" as client_id;

    expect(execute).to_throw_message("No client headers set. Please provide headers: apollographql-client-name and apollographql-client-version");

test("Should throw an error when apollographql-client-version header is not provided", ||{
    let request = apollo_mocks::get_supergraph_service_request();
    request.headers["apollographql-client-name"] = "apollo-client";

    const execute = || {
        import "client_id" as client_id;

    expect(execute).to_throw_message("No client headers set.");

test("Should throw an error when apollographql-client-name header is not provided", ||{
    let request = apollo_mocks::get_supergraph_service_request();
    request.headers["apollographql-client-version"] = "1.0";

    const execute = || {
        import "client_id" as client_id;


test("Should throw an error when client header is invalid", ||{
    let request = apollo_mocks::get_supergraph_service_request();
    request.headers["apollographql-client-name"] = "abc123";
    request.headers["apollographql-client-version"] = "1.0";

    const execute = || {
        import "client_id" as client_id;

    expect(execute).to_throw_status_and_message(401, "Invalid client name provided");

test("Should throw an error when client version header is blank", ||{
    let request = apollo_mocks::get_supergraph_service_request();
    request.headers["apollographql-client-name"] = "apollo-client";
    request.headers["apollographql-client-version"] = "";

    const execute = || {
        import "client_id" as client_id;

    expect(execute).to_throw_status_and_message(401, "No client version provided");

test("Should not throw an error when clients header are provided", ||{
    let request = apollo_mocks::get_supergraph_service_request();
    request.headers["apollographql-client-name"] = "apollo-client";
    request.headers["apollographql-client-version"] = "1.0";

    const execute = || {
        import "client_id" as client_id;


You can find more examples in the examples directory.

Config File

To run the CLI, you will need a rhai-test.config.json config file. If you prefer a different name, you can specify this with the --config arg when calling the cli.

Config values:

Name Default required Description
testMatch - Yes An array of glob patterns of where to find test files. Recommended value: ["**/*.test.rhai"]
basePath - Yes Where your rhai files are located
coverage false no [EXPERIMENTAL] Whether or not to provide a coverage report. Note these is very experimental and should not be relied on for accurate metrics at this time.

Example config file:

  "testMatch": ["**/*.test.rhai"],
  "basePath": "examples",
  "coverage": false

Writing your first test

The most basic test you can write has an expect statement that assets something to be true. This test should be added to a test file (E.g. my_first_test.test.rhai).

test("This is my first test", ||{

Running your tests

To run your tests, simply run the CLI.


Watch Mode

You can pass a --watch flag to have the CLI watch for changes to your rhai files and re-run the tests every time it detects a change

rhai-test --watch

Router Rhai Functions

Note that all Router Rhai functions are injected in and can be used directly in your tests:

test("Should generate a uuid", ||{
    let uuid = uuid_v4();



Lifecycle Methods

You can get a mock of each of the request/response objects in each of the parts of the Router lifecycle by calling apollo_mocks.

let router_request = apollo_mocks::get_router_service_request();
let router_response = apollo_mocks::get_router_service_response();
let supergraph_request = apollo_mocks::get_supergraph_service_request();
let supergraph_response = apollo_mocks::get_supergraph_service_response();
let execution_request = apollo_mocks::get_execution_service_request();
let execution_response = apollo_mocks::get_execution_service_response();
// Note that you need to pass a supergraph_request to create a subgraph_request
let subgraph_request = apollo_mocks::get_subgraph_service_request(supergraph_request);
let subgraph_response = apollo_mocks::get_subgraph_service_response();

You can then set values on these and pass them into your functions.

test("Should not throw an error when clients header are provided", ||{
    let request = apollo_mocks::get_supergraph_service_request();
    request.headers["apollographql-client-name"] = "apollo-client";
    request.headers["apollographql-client-version"] = "1.0";

    const execute = || {
        import "client_id" as client_id;


Logging Methods

This library injects in identifiers for each of the Router logging methods. This can be used to test that a particular log method was called after calling your functions.

You can either use to_log to simply check for a log of that level or to_log_message to check for a specific message of that level.

test("Should log processing request when process_request is called", ||{
    let request = apollo_mocks::get_supergraph_service_request();
    request.headers["apollographql-client-name"] = "apollo-client";
    request.headers["apollographql-client-version"] = "1.0";

    let execute = || {
        import "client_id" as client_id;


test("Should log processing request when process_request is called", ||{
    let request = apollo_mocks::get_supergraph_service_request();
    request.headers["apollographql-client-name"] = "apollo-client";
    request.headers["apollographql-client-version"] = "1.0";

    let execute = || {
        import "client_id" as client_id;

    expect(log_info).to_log_message("processing request");

The following logging methods can be checked:

  • log_trace
  • log_debug
  • log_info
  • log_warn
  • log_error


If you need to set an environment variable so you can pull it out of a script, you can do so with test_helpers::set_env:

test("Should get environment variables", ||{
    test_helpers::set_env("MY_COOL_ENV_VAR", "hello");
    let result = `${env::get("MY_COOL_ENV_VAR")}`;



When writing a test, it should contain one or more expect statements.

There are a handful of methods you can fun against an expect statement.


Checks if two values are equal.

test("Should encode text to base64", ||{
    let original = "alice and bob";
    let encoded = base64::encode(original);



Checks if a value matches a regular expression.

test("Should generate a uuid", ||{
    let uuid = uuid_v4();



Checks if a value exists

test("Should encode text to base64", ||{


You can inverse your expector to write "not" logic:

test("Should pass a negative string assert", ||{


Runs a provided method and checks if it throws an error.

test("Should throw an error when no client headers are provided", ||{
    let request = apollo_mocks::get_supergraph_service_request();

    const execute = || {
        import "client_id" as client_id;



Runs a provided method and checks if it throws an error with a specific message, matched with a regular expression.

test("Should throw an error with message when no client headers are provided", ||{
    let request = apollo_mocks::get_supergraph_service_request();

    const execute = || {
        import "client_id" as client_id;

    expect(execute).to_throw_message("No client headers set. Please provide headers: apollographql-client-name and apollographql-client-version");


Runs a provided method and checks if it throws an error with a specific status code.

test("Should throw an error when apollographql-client-name header is not provided", ||{
    let request = apollo_mocks::get_supergraph_service_request();
    request.headers["apollographql-client-version"] = "1.0";

    const execute = || {
        import "client_id" as client_id;


to_throw_status_and_message(Int, String)

Runs a provided method and checks if it throws an error with a specific message, matched with a regular expression, and a specific status code.

test("Should throw an error when client header is invalid", ||{
    let request = apollo_mocks::get_supergraph_service_request();
    request.headers["apollographql-client-name"] = "abc123";
    request.headers["apollographql-client-version"] = "1.0";

    const execute = || {
        import "client_id" as client_id;

    expect(execute).to_throw_status_and_message(401, "Invalid client name provided");


Checks if a particular logging method was called.

test("Should log processing request when process_request is called", ||{
    let request = apollo_mocks::get_supergraph_service_request();
    request.headers["apollographql-client-name"] = "apollo-client";
    request.headers["apollographql-client-version"] = "1.0";

    let execute = || {
        import "client_id" as client_id;



Checks if a particular logging method was called with a message, matched against a regular expression.

test("Should log processing request when process_request is called", ||{
    let request = apollo_mocks::get_supergraph_service_request();
    request.headers["apollographql-client-name"] = "apollo-client";
    request.headers["apollographql-client-version"] = "1.0";

    let execute = || {
        import "client_id" as client_id;

    expect(log_info).to_log_message("processing request");


Checking for error logging when a function throws an error

If you have designed a test in a way that results in a function call throwing an error, you will likely need to wrap the method call in a try/catch to "bury" the error so that you can check if the log method was called.

test("Should log an error when version header is not provided", ||{
    let request = apollo_mocks::get_supergraph_service_request();
    request.headers["apollographql-client-name"] = "apollo-client";

    let execute = || {
        import "client_id" as client_id;

    try {;} catch {}

    expect(log_error).to_log_message("No client headers set");

Testing against subgraph request

In order to create a subgraph request mock, you will need to create a supergraph request mock. This will allow you to modify headers for testing these types of requests. If you try to modify the headers on a subgraph_request, you will receive an error.

test("Should be able to modify subgraph requestsvia supergraph request", ||{
    let supergraph_request = apollo_mocks::get_supergraph_service_request();
    supergraph_request.headers["assetid"] = "abc123";
    let subgraph_request = apollo_mocks::get_subgraph_service_request(supergraph_request);

    import "headers" as headers;



This is an experimental CLI tool for running unit tests against your Router rhai scripts. It allows you to write unit tests in rhai that feel familiar and natural. This provides not only the mechanism to write and run the tests but also utilities for mocking apollo objects that allow you to fully test against the Router lifecycle.




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