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I'm just trying my luck with this and it doesn't look too great for the job so far and it is very easy and it will take you longer and I think it's just because you are not in charge but it would make me nervous so if you're in a bad situation you might have some time for yourself to do that but if I could get it out there to you would appreciate the offer if not it's up there and I'll let the rest know if it works I appreciate that I love it but if I can't make a bad impression it's because I'm going #161

I'm just trying my luck with this and it doesn't look too great for the job so far and it is very easy and it will take you longer and I think it's just because you are not in charge but it would make me nervous so if you're in a bad situation you might have some time for yourself to do that but if I could get it out there to you would appreciate the offer if not it's up there and I'll let the rest know if it works I appreciate that I love it but if I can't make a bad impression it's because I'm going

I'm just trying my luck with this and it doesn't look too great for the job so far and it is very easy and it will take you longer and I think it's just because you are not in charge but it would make me nervous so if you're in a bad situation you might have some time for yourself to do that but if I could get it out there to you would appreciate the offer if not it's up there and I'll let the rest know if it works I appreciate that I love it but if I can't make a bad impression it's because I'm going #161

name: Close empty issues and templates
- reopened
- opened
- edited
actions: read
checks: read
contents: read
deployments: read
issues: write
discussions: read
packages: read
pages: read
pull-requests: read
repository-projects: read
security-events: read
statuses: read
if: github.repository == 'anuraghazra/github-readme-stats'
name: Close empty issues
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# NOTE: Retrieve issue templates.
- uses: actions/checkout@11bd71901bbe5b1630ceea73d27597364c9af683 # v4.2.2
- name: Run empty issues closer action
uses: rickstaa/empty-issues-closer-action@e96914613221511279ca25f50fd4acc85e331d99 # v1.1.74
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
Closing this issue because it appears to be empty. Please update the
issue for it to be reopened.
Reopening this issue because the author provided more information.
check_templates: true
Closing this issue since the issue template was not filled in.
Please provide us with more information to have this issue reopened.
Reopening this issue because the author provided more information.