This is somewhat of a wrapper API around Eskom's Load Shedding interfaces
The reason for this API is that Eskom's interface doesn't generate suitable data formats for automated systems without a lot of parsing effort to decipher the html output and process it into some useful data structure. There are also other current limitations such as only including Stages 1-4, and there is additionally a desire for other helper calls like, time to next load shedding etc.
This is still very much work in progress and is built using the Chalice serverless microframework for python. and runs on AWS Lambda - Currently hosted at
- : Dev API - may have breakage!
- : Production API - not complete as per the below
New versions which make breaking changes will result in a version increment and the current and previous version will be maintained, older versions may be kept around on a best effort basis but otherwise unmaintained
- Get Current Load Shedding Stage :
GET /Stage
Gets Current Load shedding stage from Eskom and presents as an integer (proper JSON structure WIP) it represents the real stage not stage + 1 like eskom does, therefore 0 = No Load Shedding, 1 = Stage 1 etc
- Get Schedule for an area for "current" stage :
GET /Schedule/{area_id}
Gets the schedule for a given area ID in a machine readable JSON format with start and end times, works out current stage automatically (1-4)
- Get Schedule for an area for the provdided stage :
GET /Schedule/{area_id}/{stage}
Gets the schedule for a given area ID in a machine readable JSON format with start and end times, only works for stages (1-4)
- Get Next Load Shedding for "current" stage :
GET /NextShedding/{area_id}
Where area_id = the area_id as per Eskom website - more info on how to get this later but this Reference is a useful start - Will return various values - e.g. the exact date/time, hours to go, minutes to go etc
- Get Next Load Shedding for a specific stage:
GET /NextShedding/{area_id}/{stage}
Where area_id is same as above and stage is an integer reflecting the desired stage - NOTE: Eskom only appears to show stages 1-4 via their "API's" so stages 5-8 not implemented until such time as Eskom make them programatically available or we crowdsource a database much like EskomSePush team has excellently done
- Get areas/suburb search
Eskom interfaces already have this and it does appear to return json, theres no real need to re-implement this but it might be nice from a feature completeness aspect
Let us know