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Product failure prediction

A company has completed a large testing study for different product prototypes. Each prototype is used in a simulated real-world environment experiment, and absorbs a certain amount of fluid (loading) to see whether or not it fails. For each product_code there is a number of product attributes as well as a number of measurement values for each individual product, representing various lab testing methods. The aim of the project is to build a model that predicts product failures.


Analysis of features distributions and correlations in the dataset can be found in the data_exploration_and_preprocessing.ipynb notebook. It also contains preprossing steps that are needed for some models.
Decision trees, AdaBoost and ExtraTrees models were built and tuned in the trees.ipynb file. The logreg_smv.ipynb file contains logistic regression and SVM models. In order to track the progress of parameters tuning process, high level of verbosity was used in trees.ipynb and logreg_svm.ipynb files. Therefore, it is recommended to open them in Google Colab or other tools to make output of some cells easier to skip.
XGBoost, LightGBM and CatBoost models were built and tuned in xgboost.ipynb, lgbm.ipynb and catboost.ipynb notebooks respectively.


All features in the dataset turned out to be weak in terms of predicting product failure. One of the features (loading) has a low correlation with the target variable. Correlation with the target variable of other features is close to zero.

AUC values of the models with tuned hyperparameters are the following:

  • logistic regression: 0.5889334619933564
  • SVC with linear kernel: 0.5887895936174851
  • CatBoost: 0.5874072932775021
  • LightGBM: 0.585539577801774
  • AdaBoost: 0.5853284951374265
  • XGBoost: 0.5852756591895497
  • Random forest: 0.5793882702509077
  • Decision tree: 0.5767857044559788
  • SVC with non-linear kernel: 0.5425866322851085
  • ExtraTrees: 0.5