- This app has been created by using a basic react-app. For styling, SASS package has been installed and used.
In order to be able to run the app, users should go to "weather-app" folder on the terminal and run "yarn" command once. Afterwards use "yarn start" to be able to see the app on local server of the browser.
Once the app screen is open, you can easily type in the name of the city you want to query into the input field. To submit your query, simply hit enter or click on submit button.
If the user enters an unvalid search query, he/she will be able to see the reason of unsuccessful API request on the screen.
Once the user makes a successful search and gets the result, this query will be triggered in every 10 seconds until user makes another API request.
If you want to make another query, just simply write another city name into the input field.
If user refreshes the page, he/she will see the last successful search.
- The app can be used on any device. The minimum supported screenwidth is 320px and the breakpoint for mobile-desktop transition is 767px.