- Built on Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic
- PHP7 and modules required as shown
- Documented for PHP composer installed globally
- Docker has not been included in the time available
- Uses SlimPHP web application framework.
- Uses PHPUnit.
apt install php7 composer php-mbstring php-xml php-xdebug
Clone composer.json
and composer.lock
composer install
Install reproduces:
composer require slim/slim
composer require phpunit/phpunit --dev
composer require mockery/mockery --dev
composer require monolog/monolog
During build modifications may also require:
composer dump-autoload
Convenience script to start the application, provided in composer.json
(executes php -S localhost:8080 -t pub
composer start
Convenience script to run tests and dump coverage, provided in composer.json
(executes php vendor/bin/phpunit ; cat tests/build/coverage.txt
composer test
pub: namespace recipe\pub
- pub/index.php: entry point initialises and starts server
app: namespace recipe\app
- LoggerProvider.php: injected logging service
- DataProvider.php: injected data service
- Router.php: sets up URI routes
data: dev location of JSON data files
- ingredients.json
- recipes.json
data-none: test data directory containing no files
tests: PHPUnit test classes
- DummyTest.php: trivial sanity test
- LoggerProviderTest.php: test logger service
- DataProviderTest.php: test data service
- RouterTest.php: test Router
Access the REST API from the localhost http://localhost:8080/lunch Trailing slashes are not currently supported on the URI.
These endpoints are supported:
/ingredients: Full list of known ingredients.
/recipes: Full list of potential recipes.
/lunch: Filtered, sorted list of recipes for available ingredients.
- Recipes with ingredients missing from the main list are removed.
- Recipes relying on ingredients past their use-by date are removed.
- Recipes are tagged with the oldest best-before date amongst their ingredients.
- Missing use-by and best-before dates are supported.
- Recipes are sorted with the oldest best-before dates last.
- Recipes are returned with the oldest best-before date information provided.
- Today's date as returned by the system is used for comparisons.
- Both use-by and best-before are treated as expired on the given date.
/lunch/YYYY-MM-DD: Optional date parameter supported.
- E.g. http://localhost:8080/lunch/2019-02-25
- Over-rides today's date for retrieving future and past data sets.
- Non-conforming parameters will be dropped silently.
- Non-existent dates may restrict results arbitrarily.
Manual loading or composer optimised auto-loading is recommended for production.
Variations in the use of trailing slashes on URIs have not been handled. This can be handled by Slim middleware.
In some places code could have been compressed but multi-line staged logic has been used to make the code more readable.
The PSRs do not specify caps style for namespaces but StudlyCaps seems popular. Namespaces were declared in lower case to compare to the directory names.
An OPTIONS request to the root or generic URI could be used to check status and confirm data is being loaded and service is available.
Test coverage is now 100%.