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Provides string extension methods for replacing tokens within strings (using the format '{name}') with their specified lookup value.


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StringTokenFormatter v9.0

Provides token replacement for template strings which cannot be interpolated at compile time such as those retrieved from data stores (file system, database, API, config files etc) using a variety of token to value mappers.

It isn’t a replacement for String Interpolation where the string is known at compile time and instead builds upon the idea of string.Format where a template string is passed along with a series of replacement values. This library offers additional features beyond what either of the out-of-the-box implementations provide.

Supported platforms: .NET 5 and later, .NET Standard 2.0

Available on at

using StringTokenFormatter;

string interpolatedString = "Hello {FirstName} {LastName}";
var client = new {
    FirstName = "John",
    LastName = "Smith",
string message = interpolatedString.FormatFromObject(client);

See the v9 migration page for details on breaking changes and how to upgrade from version 8 to version 9.


As well as string extensions, there are equivalent Uri extensions, the preferred method is to use the dependency injection friendly Resolver which makes sharing custom settings and working with complex templates easier.

string templateString = "Answer is {percent,10:P}";
var resolver = new InterpolatedStringResolver(StringTokenFormatterSettings.Default);

string actual = resolver.FromTuples(templateString, ("percent", 1.2));

Assert.Equal("Answer is    120.00%", actual);

Tokens with formatting and alignment can be specified in the same way as string.Format (.net docs). Alternative token syntax can be selected in the settings.

Grouping tokens with prefixes, multiple containers and other complex token resolution setups are supported through the CompositeTokenValueContainer, see Building composite containers for the helper class.

Conditional blocks of text, loops and simple value mapping can be controlled through commands.

As well supporting formatting through IFormatProvider, strongly-type FormatterDefinitions functions can be configured to match type, token name or format string.

Value Containers can return primitives (string, int etc) as well as Func or Lazy values which will be resolved before formatting using one of the Value Converters. Additional converters can be included to perform custom conversion logic after token matching but before formatting.

A more complete example:

static string OrderIdFormatter(int id, string _format) => $"#{id:000000}";
static string GuidFormatter(Guid guid, string format) =>
    format == "Initial" ? guid.ToString("D").Split('-')[0].ToUpper() : guid.ToString();

var settings = StringTokenFormatterSettings.Default with
    FormatProvider = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"),
    FormatterDefinitions = new[] {
        FormatterDefinition.ForTokenName<int>("Order.Id", OrderIdFormatter),
var resolver = new InterpolatedStringResolver(settings);
string templateString = new StringBuilder()
    .AppendLine("Hi {Customer.Name},")
    .AppendLine("Thank you for {:map,Customer.IsFirstOrder:true=your first order,false=your order}.")
    .AppendLine("Order details")
    .AppendLine("- Id: {Order.Id}")
    .AppendLine("- Payment method: {:map,Order.PaymentMethod:DebitCard=Debit card,CreditCard=Credit card}")
    .AppendLine("- Delivery option: {Order.Delivery}")
    .AppendLine("{:if,Order.HasDeliveryComment}- Comment for delivery driver: {Order.DeliveryComment}{:ifend}")
    .AppendLine("- {OrderLines.Product} @ {OrderLines.Price:C}")
    .AppendLine("Total: {OrderTotal:C}")
    .Append("Ref: {MessageId:Initial}")
var interpolatedString = resolver.Interpolate(templateString);

var customer = new
    Name = "Jane Strong",
    IsFirstOrder = true,
var order = new Dictionary<string, object>()
    ["Id"] = 8321,
    ["PaymentMethod"] = "CreditCard",
    ["Delivery"] = "Next day",
    ["DeliveryComment"] = "Please leave if no one in",
var orderLines = new[]
    new OrderLine(product: "T-shirt", price: 25.5),
    new OrderLine(product: "Coat", price: 40.0),
    new OrderLine(product: "Socks", price: 14.0),
var combinedContainer = resolver.Builder()
    .AddPrefixedObject("Customer", customer)
    .AddPrefixedKeyValues("Order", order)
    .AddPrefixedSingle("Order", "HasDeliveryComment", order["DeliveryComment"] is not null)
    .AddSequence("OrderLines", orderLines)
    .AddSingle("OrderTotal", orderLines.Sum(x => x.Price))
    .AddSingle("MessageId", new Lazy<object>(() => Guid.Parse("73054fad-ba31-4cc2-a1c1-ac534adc9b45")))

string actual = resolver.FromContainer(interpolatedString, combinedContainer);

string expected = """
Hi Jane Strong,
Thank you for your first order.
Order details
- Id: #008321
- Payment method: Credit card
- Delivery option: Next day
- Comment for delivery driver: Please leave if no one in
- T-shirt @ $25.50
- Coat @ $40.00
- Socks @ $14.00
Total: $79.50
Ref: 73054FAD

Assert.Equal(expected, actual);

record OrderLine(string product, double price);

More examples.

Table of Contents

Interpolated String Resolver

Beyond simple use cases, things can get a little complicated and this is where the InterpolatedStringResolver steps in.

Within an application there’s likely to be only one or a small number of defined custom settings; these settings are passed into the constructor of the Resolver which then provides methods for converting template strings into resolved strings. The instance of the resolver can be stored in a dependency injection container for ease of use.

  • Methods FromSingle, FromPairs, FromTuples, FromObject, FromFunc and FromContainer take in a template string or InterpolatedString as well as relevant mapping values
  • The Builder method creates a new instance of the TokenValueContainerBuilder class which is used to construct complex value containers
  • Template strings can be converted into InterpolatedStrings created once and stored ahead of time; the Interpolate method parses the template string ready for resolving using token values

The resolver contains the standard token resolving methods and is the preferred mechanism over changing the global settings and using the string extension methods.

How token resolution works

To resolve the tokens within a template string, there is a two-stage process, first parsing, then expanding.


The InterpolatedStringParser turns a template string into an InterpolatedString defined as a list of strongly-typed InterpolatedStringSegments.

Generating the InterpolatedString can be stored and used multiple times with the InterpolatedStringExpander.

flowchart LR
    TemplateString[/template string/]
    TemplateString --> Parser
    Settings --> Parser
    Parser --> InterpolatedStringSegments
    InterpolatedStringSegments --> InterpolatedString


The InterpolatedStringExpander take the InterpolatedString and processes it using the values in the ValueContainer.

  1. The passed ITokenValueContainer provides the value based on the token name
  2. A value conversion is then attempted based on the collection of TokenValueConverters in the settings
  3. Value is then formatted using a Formatter Defintion or FormatProvider from the settings

Block Commands are processed by the InterpolatedStringExpander and follow the flow of steps 2.1 and 2.2 for obtaining their relevant values from tokens.

flowchart LR
    ValueConverter[Value Converter]
    FormatterDefinition[Formatter Definition]
    FormatProvider[Format Provider]
    ResultantStringSegment[/resultant string/]
    ResultantString[/combined string/]
    subgraph SegmentProcessing[Segment Processing]
        direction TB
        Segment --> Command
        Command --> ValueConverter
        ValueConverter --> FormatterDefinition
        ValueConverter --> FormatProvider
        FormatterDefinition --> ResultantStringSegment
        FormatProvider --> ResultantStringSegment
    InterpolatedString --> Expander
    ValueContainer --> Expander
    Expander --> SegmentProcessing
    SegmentProcessing --> ResultantString

Value Containers

Using properties of an object instance (including an anonymous object) to resolve tokens:

string templateString = "start {middle} end";
var tokenValues = new { Middle = "center" };
string result = templateString.FormatFromObject(tokenValues);
Assert.Equal("start center end", result);

Using a dictionary of values or other implementation of IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>> to resolve tokens:

string templateString = "start {middle} end";
var tokenValues = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "middle", "center" } };
string result = templateString.FormatFromPairs(tokenValues);
Assert.Equal("start center end", result);

Using an enumerable of ValueTuples to resolve tokens:

string templateString = "start {middle} end";
var tokenValues = new [] { ("middle", "center") };
string result = templateString.FormatFromTuples(source, tokenValues);
Assert.Equal("start center end", result);

Using a single name and value to resolve tokens:

string templateString = "start {middle} end";
string result = templateString.FormatFromSingle("middle", "center");
Assert.Equal("start center end", result);

Using a function to resolve tokens:

string templateString = "start {middle} end";
Func<string, object> func = (token) => { return "center"; };
string result = templateString.FormatFromFunc("middle", func);
Assert.Equal("start center end", result);

See building composite token value containers for hierarchical or cascading containers. Also custom containers.

Note: comma , and colon : should not be used in token names to avoid confusion with alignment and format values.

Formatter Definitions

Formatting of token values can be done through the standard IFormatProvider interface or by a strongly-typed FormatterDefinition function.

Custom IFormatProvider/ICustomFormatter implementations are an inelegant solution see .net docs; the library provides a mechanism for matching strongly-typed values in addition to other criteria.

Static methods are available on FormatterDefinition to create instances that can be passed into the settings:

  • ForType<T>(fn) - Token value matches type T
  • ForTokenName<T>(string tokenName, fn) Token name matches and value matches type T
  • ForFormatString<T>(string formatString, fn) - Format string specific on token segment matches and value matches type T
  • ForTokenNameAndFormatString<T>(string tokenName, string formatString, fn) - Token name, format string and value type T all match

Where fn is defined as Func<T, string, string> with the first parameter being the strongly-typed token value after any value conversion, the second is the formatString or empty if not specified. The return value is the formatted string result.

Token name follows the casing set in NameComparer in settings whilst formatString is case insensitive. The matching logic is from the most specific to the least irrespective of order.

Example defining two FormatterDefinition criteria and format functions:

static string intFormatter(int value, string _formatString) => value.ToString("D3");
static string nameFormatter(string value, string formatString) =>
    if (formatString == "titleCase")
        return $"{value.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper()}{value.Substring(1).ToLower()}";
    return value;
var settings = StringTokenFormatterSettings.Default with
    FormatterDefinitions = new[] {
        FormatterDefinition.ForTokenName<string>("Name", nameFormatter)
var resolver = new InterpolatedStringResolver(settings);

var account = new
    Id = 2,
    Name = "Savings Account",
string actual = resolver.FromObject("Ref: {Id}, {Name:titleCase}", account);
Assert.Equal("Ref: 002, Savings account", actual);


To provide additional logic when resolving tokens to values, Commands offer a range of functionality. There are a number of included commands which are enabled by default.

Command Action
Conditional Controls inclusion of containing segments based on boolean value
Map A comma-separated list of token value to text mappings
Loop Allows containing segments to be iterated multiple times
Standard Handles tokens and literals not handled by other commands

The command names are always lowercase whilst tokens abide by the TokenResolutionPolicy (as well as ValueConverters).

Commands included by default are available in ExpanderCommandFactory.

Conditional block command

Simple boolean conditions can be used to exclude blocks of text.

The starting command format is :if,token where token resolves to a boolean value dictating whether to include the block. The ending command is :ifend and can optionally include the token name.

string templateString = "start {:if,IsValid}{middle}{:ifend,IsValid} end";
var tokenValues = new { Middle = "center", IsValid = false };
string result = templateString.FormatFromObject(tokenValues);
Assert.Equal("start  end", result);

Negation is also supported {:if,!IsValid}; as are nested conditional blocks.

Map command

The map command allows for simple key/value mapping; the idea being to keep the text inside the template rather than in code.

An example where Mode is the token name and after the colon : are the comma-separated key/value mappings:

{:map,Mode:Bike=Self propelled,Car=Combustion engine,Bus=Electric,_=Not set}

The key is the string output of resolving the token’s value and performing any conversion in the usual way. Common token values are enum, string and int where there is a small number of discrete mappings.

The last parameter can optionally be a catch-all by using the discard operator _ as shown in the example.

Loop block command

For repeating blocks of content, the loop command offers a number of options.

The syntax for the loop command is {:loop,token:iterations} with an ending command of {:loopend}. One of token or iterations must be specified.

Use options:

  1. Token can be a sequence (see below)
  2. Iterations is an converted to an int sets an upper limit on sequence iterations (to take the first x values)
  3. Specifying Iterations without Token can be used to provide a fixed number of iterations
  4. Also Token can map to an int or equally a Func as provided by a Value Container

There are also two pseudo tokens defined for loops:

  • ::loopiteration which returns the current iteration starting at 1
  • ::loopcount which is the total number of iterations

Nested loops are supported.

Note: The number of iterations is calculated upon entering the loop and cannot be changed during the iterations.

Also see the composite builder for more on including sequences.

Token sequence - primitives

The sequence can either be a primitive (string, int etc) or a complex object (see next section).

The TokenValueContainerBuilder instance provides methods AddSequence and AddPrefixedSequence for adding IEnumerable<object>; the latter to use prefix. before the name.

string templateString = new StringBuilder()
var listValues = new List<string> { "Apple", "Banana", "Cherry", "Damson", "Elderberry" };
var resolver = new InterpolatedStringResolver(StringTokenFormatterSettings.Default);
var combinedContainer = resolver.Builder()
    .AddSequence("ListValue", listValues)

string actual = resolver.FromContainer(templateString, combinedContainer);

string expected = new StringBuilder()
    .Append("<tr ><td>02/05</td><td>Banana</td></tr>")
Assert.Equal(expected, actual);

Token sequence - objects

The TokenValueContainerBuilder instance methods AddSequence and AddPrefixedSequence will automatically wrap a complex object into an ObjectTokenValueContainer and so allows for the same functionality. The object could be a class instance, a record or an anonymous object.

When iterating a complex object, the format is {:loop,Token.PropertyName} where Token is the sequence name and PropertyName is a property on the current sequence iteration object. The HierarchicalDelimiter as defined in the settings is used to separate the two components and is period . by default.

var resolver = new InterpolatedStringResolver(StringTokenFormatterSettings.Default);
string templateString = new StringBuilder()
    .AppendLine("- {OrderLines.Product} @ {OrderLines.Price:C}")
var orderLines = new[]
    new OrderLine("T-shirt", 25.5),
    new OrderLine("Coat", 40.0),
    new OrderLine("Socks", 14.0),
var combinedContainer = resolver.Builder()
    .AddSequence("OrderLines", orderLines)

string actual = resolver.FromContainer(templateString, combinedContainer);

string expected = """
- T-shirt @ $25.50
- Coat @ $40.00
- Socks @ $14.00
Assert.Equal(expected, actual);

record OrderLine(string product, double price);

Literal iteration count

For token-derived iterations {:loop,token} is used and for constant iterations {:loop:iterations} where iterations is the number of iterations required. The ending command is {:loopend}.

string templateString = "{:loop,Iterations}{innerValue}{:loopend}";
int callCount = 0;
var called = () => {
    return callCount switch
        1 => "a",
        2 => "b",                
        _ => "z",
var tokenValues = new { Iterations = 2, InnerValue = called };
string result = templateString.FormatFromObject(tokenValues);
Assert.Equal("ab", result);

In this example, the token value InnerValue is a Func<string> which returns a different value on each call to the function.

Standard command

The default command used when not segment is not handled previously. It expands simple token and literal segments.

When modifying the Command settings, the Standard Command should be included to provide the basic functionality.

Custom commands

Implementing command is done using the interface IExpanderCommand which is then included in the settings.

Three methods are available:

  • Init which happens at the start of the expansion process
  • Evaluate is called for each segment, unless it has been handled by setting context.SegmentHandled to true
  • Finished can be used for validation such as the number of end commands match the start commands

For pseudo command and additional interface IExpanderPseudoCommands can be implemented which works in the same way as for value containers.

Commands in this form were introduced in version 9 and therefore are considered beta and might be subject to interface changes are more use cases are identified.

Building composite token value containers

The TokenValueContainerBuilder provides methods for creating CompositeTokenValueContainer instances.

Note that matching attempts are made in the order that the containers are passed to the CompositeTokenValueContainer instance which will be the same as the order that they are added to the builder. This includes prefixed containers.

Child containers are supported such that {prefix.token} first matches the prefix and then uses the associated container to match the suffix. In the example below, the prefix is Account and the suffix Id exists as a property on the account object.

var account = new {
    Id = 2,
    Name = "The second account",

var combinedContainer = new TokenValueContainerBuilder(StringTokenFormatterSettings.Default)
    .AddSingle("text", "Message text")
    .AddPrefixedObject("Account", account)

string templateString = "Ref: {Account.Id}. {text}.";
string actual = templateString.FormatFromContainer(combinedContainer);

Assert.Equal("Ref: 2. Message text.", actual);

The delimiter can be changed in the settings.

Deep nesting is supported but discouraged, instead opt for flatter composites by adding the child container to the top level with a separate prefix.


All interpolating methods accept an optional StringTokenFormatterSettings parameter which is used in preference to the StringTokenFormatterSettings.Global settings.

The settings class is immutable so the with keyword is used to mutate the settings.

Using the Global settings as the base:

var customSettings = StringTokenFormatterSettings.Global with { Syntax = CommonTokenSyntax.Round };
var expanded = "This interpolated string uses (token) as its syntax".FormatFromSingle("token", "expanded value", customSettings);

Using the default settings as the base:

var settings1 = new StringTokenFormatterSettings { Syntax = CommonTokenSyntax.Round };
// or
var settings2 = StringTokenFormatterSettings.Default with { Syntax = CommonTokenSyntax.Round };

Initially, the Global settings are the Default settings.

Overriding the global settings

StringTokenFormatterSettings.Global = StringTokenFormatterSettings.Global with { Syntax = CommonTokenSyntax.Round };

It should be noted that whilst overriding the global is a convenient action, it can cause side effects by other code using this library. Library implementations should not update Global. Alternately, consider creating an instance of InterpolatedStringResolver which takes the settings object in its constructor and provides the common methods for expanding from different ITokenValueContainer implementations.

Settings properties


Takes a TokenSyntax instance and defines the syntax is used for detecting tokens. Default CommonTokenSyntax.Curly.

Build-in syntax within the CommonTokenSyntax class:

Name Marker Escape
Curly {Token} {{
DollarCurly ${Token} ${{
Round (Token) ((
DollarRound $(Token) $((
DollarRoundAlternative $(Token) $$(

Note: Token markers are case sensitive.


Used to specify the IFormatProvider applied to token values. Default CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.

Specific cultures info, in this instance en-US, can be used as with string.Format.

var settings = StringTokenFormatterSettings.Default with
    FormatProvider = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"),


Contains a collection of strong-typed custom formatters. Default is empty collection.

var settings = StringTokenFormatterSettings.Default with
    FormatterDefinitions = new[] {
        FormatterDefinition.ForTokenName<int>("Id", (id, _format) =>  $"#{id:000000}"),
        FormatterDefinition.ForType<Guid>((guid, format) => format == "InitialOnly" ? guid.ToString("D").Split('-')[0].ToUpper() : guid.ToString()),

For more information see the formatter definitions section.


The comparer used by ITokenValueContainer when performing token to value look-ups. Takes a standard StringComparer. Default StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.


The collection of IExpanderCommand implementations to be used by the InterpolatedStringExpander. Default collection from ExpanderCommandFactory: Conditional, Loop, Map, Standard.

See Commands for more information.


Controls how token values are handled by CompositeTokenValueContainer implementations. Default TokenResolutionPolicy.ResolveAll.

The policies are:

Policy Result
ResolveAll Always uses the value returned
IgnoreNull Uses the value if it is not null
IgnoreNullOrEmpty Uses the value if it is not null and not an empty string


Defines what should happen if the token specified in the interpolated string cannot be matched within the ITokenValueContainer. Default UnresolvedTokenBehavior.Throw.

Behavior Result
Throw An UnresolvedTokenException exception is raised
LeaveUnresolved The text will contain the template string token unmodified


Defines how formatting errors are handled. Default InvalidFormatBehavior.Throw.

Behavior Result
Throw An TokenValueFormatException exception is raised
LeaveUnformatted The text will contain the token value unformatted
LeaveToken The text will contain the template string token unmodified


Applies to token values after matching but before formatting. Converters are attempted in order so that once one has successfully converted the value then no further conversions take place.

By design ToString is not used as a value converter because calling that on a custom object will yield the object.ToString result which is often not the intended behavior.

For more information see the Value Converters section.


Defines the prefix for HierarchicalTokenValueContainer instances. Default . (period).

See also Token Value Container Builder.


TokenContainerException - thrown when data passed to container constructor is invalid

ParserException - general problem parsing the template string into an InterpolatedString

ExpanderException - general problem expanding the InterpolatedString into the resultant string

UnresolvedTokenException - the token cannot be found in the container

MissingValueConverterException - the token value does not match any of the value converters

TokenValueFormatException - the token value failed to format

The base exception from which these inherit is StringTokenFormatterException.

Custom Value Containers

Whilst there are a number of built-in containers, it may be necessary to create a completely custom container. The container should implement the ITokenValueContainer and optionally receive a constructor argument of settings interface ITokenValueContainerSettings and obey the NameComparer property.

The ITokenValueContainer interface provide a single method used to map token names into values using the method TryGetResult.Success(value).

TryGetResult TryMap(string token);

See also Token Value Container Builder.

Value Converters

Applies to token values after matching but before formatting. Converters are attempted in order so that once one has successfully converted the value then no further conversions take place. Default collection (from TokenValueConverterFactory):

Value Result
Null no conversion
string or ValueType no conversion
Lazy<T> Lazy.Value
Func<T> function result
Func<string, T> Supplied token name function result

They can be useful to provide post-token match functionality; a great example is a when using an object which contains a property that uses a Lazy. The token matcher resolves the token marker to property and then through the ValueConverters calls the Lazy.Value and returns the value of the Lazy for formatting.

All token value types must be handled by a Value Converter otherwise an exception is thrown.

By design ToString() is not used as a value converter because calling it on a custom object will yield the object.ToString() result which is often not the intended behavior. For scenarios when the ToString() has been overridden, the result of calling StringTokenFormatter.Impl.TokenValueConverterFactory.ToStringConverter<T>() can be added to the settings list of ValueConverters so that the ToString() method for that specific type will be used as a valid value conversion.

Performance tuning

  • Parse a template string into an InterpolatedString, most easily done using the Resolver
  • Remove unused commands from the settings
  • Remove unused Value Converters from the settings
  • Reuse Value Containers where possible
  • Use .NET 6 or above for improved regex performance
  • Use .NET 8 Frozen Dictionary for faster read access, see the Frozen Dictionary section

Thread safety

By default, the library is designed to be broadly stateless, deterministic and thread-safe.

Instances of settings and parsed InterpolatedStrings can be reused on the same or another thread. The included Value Containers maintain the value mappings which largely will resolve to primitive values (string, int etc) however using Func or Lazy values could lead to stateful behavior and should be avoided.

It should be noted that expanding tokens to values, internally creates context state and is subject to garbage collection; at this time, there is no pool for reusing spent context state.

Frozen Dictionary support in .NET 8

When compiling against the .NET 8 version of the library, a method Frozen is available on DictionaryTokenValueContainer and ObjectTokenValueContainer instances which sets the backing dictionary and can provide a significant performance boost when reusing instances.

Async loading of token values

There is no plan to support async/await within the library; the reason is that the library is designed to the CPU-bound and adding in an IO-bound layer massively changes the design and considered use-cases.

The InterpolatedString returned by the InterpolatedStringParser contains a method Tokens() which provides a unique list of tokens found within the interpolated string. These token names can be used by an async method to, for example, request the token values from a data store. The token values can be loaded into a container in the usual way.


Provides string extension methods for replacing tokens within strings (using the format '{name}') with their specified lookup value.







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