🐍 Snake game in the console
This is still in development
This was originally written in VB.NET, but I am now converting, refactoring and improving it in C#
can either be added to the command as --<flagname> or -<first letter of name>
help: Displays info about the command, can also be run using ? as an arguement
quickexit: Exits immediatley and clears the console buffer when the program ends
basicscore: using a more basic score output. Useful if the console isnt able to update fast enough for the more visual score output
pacifist: makes the snake invulnerable. It can cross over itslef and wrap around the map
mute: mutes the sounds effects
cheese: the snake has holes in it
given in the form --<parameter name>=<value>
fruitcount (integer): sets the amount of fruit to be available at once
speed (integer): sets the speed of the snake. Measured in tiles/second
gridheight (integer): sets the height of the grid
gridwidth (integer): sets the width of the grid