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A Laravel-based Tutorial Web application, using Laravel Voyager as the admin

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In Progress A coding tutorial website developed with Laravel 5.6 with Laravel Voyager as the admin. Overall, a project to test all things Laravel.

Project Setup - Without the use of homestead

  1. Clone or download this repo
  2. Create a .env file using the .env.example file
  3. From the root of this repo, run composer install
  4. Generate a new app key by running php artisan key:generate
  5. Create a virtual host pointing to the public directory
  6. Create a MySQL database and fill in the appropriate environment variables
  7. Import the the tutshub.sql file found under the backups/ folder.
  8. Now running php artisan server should now allow you to go to http://localhost:8000/ or http://yourvhost/
  9. Navigate to http://localhost:8000/admin or http://yourvhost/admin
  10. You should be greeted by the voyager admin screen
  11. Note: Images will look funky but we'll fix that in a few
  12. The default credentials are [email protected] / password
  13. Also provided are [email protected] / password and [email protected] / password, users with a custom content editor role
  14. Once logged in, you should get a warning from Voyager about the missing symlink. Click the fix it button and the error should go away.
  15. From here, upload the folder structure found in the provided backups/storage.tar.gzip or zip file. Replace the files found in your public/storage/ folder and your storage/app/public folder (Sadly you will have to manually rename each file). If a user's profile avatar does not appear, go to Users, edit each user and re-assign their profile avatar. Feel free to delete the backups directory once everything is working
  16. If you would like to continue on with this project and work with the sass files, run npm install. Once done, running any of the default yarn commands should work. See the package.json for available commands.

Project Setup - With Homestead

  1. Follow steps 1 to 4 from the non-homestead project setup
  2. Ensure to install all dependencies required to use Homestead
  • (note: you don't have to install Homestead globally)
  1. Run composer install and then npm install
  2. Add a vhost pointing to the IP listed at the top of the Homestead.yaml file
  3. Do step 15 from the non-homestead project setup (Ignore the user profile avatars until you have access to the actual site)
  4. Now, you are ready to run vagrant up
  5. Once the VM is up, check that you can now hit your vhost. You will see an error at first
  6. Next, follow the instructions stated in this post to import the tutshub.sql backup. Update the .env database table appropriately.
  7. Check that the newly created database contains 21 tables.
  8. Now you should be able to see the Tutshub home page when hitting the vhost.
  9. All that's left is to follow steps 12 & 13 in the other project setup instructions to navigate to the Voyager admin.

Happy dev-ing!


  • If you use a password management extension (like Last Pass) on your development environment, you may find issues when trying to edit users. Personally, I've faced errors with duplicate emails because LastPass autofills the email edit field. So, either disable lastpass for your local site or use a browser that doesn't have LastPass installed.

Project Structure (Work In Progress)

  • Widgets can be found at app/Widgets
  • Widget images are stored in public/images

Provided Seeders and Corresponding Factories

  • MyUsersSeeder - Creates 50 random instances of the TCG\Voyager\Models\User
  • UserFactory - In addition to defining a new User instance, the factory will also write to a new seeded_users.txt file so that you may log in with any of the newly created users. This file should remain in the .gitignore file.

Extra Commands

php artisan make:vwidget widget_name model_name - A quick command for generating the voyager widget boilerplate. Not 100% perfect but does the job. You will have to manually add the widget to your voyager.config file

  • widget_name - Name of widget. Can include the 'Dimmer' or 'Widget' prefix. Just note that "widget" will appear in some of the description text. Easily editable
  • model_name - Just the name of the model. Assumes that model is using the default namespace \App\.
  • Will be prompted for which voyager icon to use on the widget. Defaults to voyager-helm
  • Also will set a default.jpg for the widget's background

Read More about this project's roadmap and how to further customize voyager in the wiki


A Laravel-based Tutorial Web application, using Laravel Voyager as the admin







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