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@github-actions github-actions released this 10 Dec 20:21

Minor Changes

  • 302b466: Introduce a new entrypoint: style-dictionary/enums for most of the library's hard-coded string values. Most of these are built-in hooks names. This provides better type-safety for consumers as well as various maintainability related benefits for this library. See documentation for more info.
  • 5aad797: Add tailwind preset example, remove unused .editorconfig file
  • bd8be17: Add support for native .TS token & config file processing.
  • 209085d: Add tokenMap properties to Dictionary, which is a JavaScript Map structure of the tokens, which makes it easy to iterate as well as access tokens. Also add convertTokenData utility that allows to seemlessly convert between Map, Object or Array of tokens, and deprecate the flattenTokens utility in favor of that one.

Patch Changes

  • 2966cfd: handle DTCG-format tokens in typescript/es6-declarations formatter
  • 4a7bca7: add accessControl field to Android Compose template
  • f694f67: Fix Prettier imports, see for more info.
  • fd8cdb4: handle DTCG-format tokens in javascript/es6 formatter
  • 6a6a409: Move prettier to dependencies since style-dictionary isn't really a prettier plugin and a direct dependency seems more accurate here.
  • 8a9cfa0: Fix outputReferencesTransformed util, would return true for tokens which original values were not strings.
  • 7a661bb: Fix font-style and font-weight logic for fonts.css.template.js