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Build a SaaS integration for Buy with Prime

Where to start?

Find here the up-to-date official Build a SaaS integraion for Buy with Prime workshop. The workshop walk you through the journey for building a Buy with Prime app. This repository is the final artifact that you would get as a result of completing the workshop.

Demo architecture

Demo source code break down

  • codes has OAuth handler application codes and Buy with Prime event handler Lambda code.
  • ecs-cdk defines your CDK application.
    • lib/ is where your CDK application’s main stack is defined. This is the file we’ll be spending most of our time in.
      • lib/infra-stack.ts defines InfraStack, including Amazon VPC, Application Load Balancer, Amazon ECR repository, and Amazon DynamoDB table. You need ALB DNS when you request app onboarding.
      • lib/ecs-fargate-stack.ts defines AWS Fargate OAuth handler. Before deploying EcsStack, you need Client ID and Client Secret as a result of app onboarding.
      • lib/event-stack.ts is optional. If your use cases require near real time event syncs, you can request event subscription via Amazon Eventbridge. If not, you can skip deploying EventStack.
    • bin/ecs-cdk.ts is the entrypoint of the CDK application. It will load the stack defined in lib/infra-stack.ts,lib/ecs-fargate-stack.ts, and lib/event-stack.ts.
  • package.json is your npm module manifest. It includes information like the name of your app, version, dependencies and build scripts like “watch” and “build” (package-lock.json is maintained by npm)
  • cdk.json tells the toolkit how to run your app. In our case it will be npx ts-node bin/api-demo-infra.ts
  • tsconfig.json your project’s typescript configuration
  • .gitignore and .npmignore tell git and npm which files to include/exclude from source control and when publishing this module to the package manager.

Workshop flow


git clone
cd buy-with-prime-saas-integration/ecs-cdk
npm i
cdk bootstrap


  • Deploy InfraStack
cd ecs-cdk
cdk deploy InfraStack
  • You will see the result. Use InfraStack.loadbalancerDnsUrl when requesting app onboarding. You should use lowercased DNS without Capitals. Please request app onboarding with http:// in front of the DNS URL, unless you configure https.
echo "$url" | awk '{print tolower($0)}'
  • Your app onboarding request may take up to 2 business days to complete. Once completed, you will have your Client ID for your app.
  • Once your app onboarding request approved, generate Client secret for your app. Follow instruction from App Onboarding for OAuth 2.0 in Buy with Prime Partner Document hub (Authentication required).
  • Store Client ID and Client secret in .env


  • Run to build Docker image and push it to ECR repository.
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1 // Your region
chmod +x
  • Deploy EcsStack
cdk deploy EcsStack
  • Check your OAuth token in Amazon DynamoDB Token Store. Use the token to query Buy with Prime API.

(Optioanl) Event Stack

  • Request event subscription. As a result, you will have Amazon EventBridge Partner Event Source created in your AWS account.
  • Update .env file with the Amazon EventBridge's ARN (Amazon Resource Name).
  • Open /bin/ecs-cdk.ts and uncomment EventStack out (Line 30~36)
  • Deploy EventStack
cdk deploy EventStack
  • You can generate test event to validate if your EventStack works properly. Talk to your Buy with Prime SA.

(Optional) Event flow

  1. Test event generated by running this script
  2. Event Bus captures the incoming Event
  3. SQS takes the message with DeadLetterQueue setup
  4. Lambda is triggered to take the Event generated time and queries the API to obtain the Store's siteId. Then it stores the result to DynamoDB.
  5. In DynamoDB table, you can check the new Item created.

What's not included in the demo

  • Dynamically calling Order details using Order ID handed down from Events generated by ENS. (Due to lack of mock Order)
  • Event bus and Rule creation after being allowlisted by Buy with Prime Event source. The developers can achieve this by following the guidance from this document


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.


This sample code is to accelerate your development journey, not meant to be used in production. Your resources and services have to be updated and configured security — including any required patches — to meet your security and other needs. For more information, see the AWS Shared Responsibility Model.
