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       A system wide performance counter and temperature sampler with 
       			per core monitoring capabilities.
	 		Copyright 2008 Amithash Prasad                                         
			 This file is part of seeker                                            
	 Seeker is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify         
	 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by   
	 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or      
	 (at your option) any later version.                                    
	 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,        
	 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of         
	 GNU General Public License for more details.                           
	 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License      
	 along with this program.  If not, see <>.  



The kernel module seeker-sampler requres the linux kernel to be built with the 
options "KPROBES" and "KALLSYM" enabled. These are not usually enabled in most 
distributions. And hence you will have to re-compile the kernel. And I highly 
recommend you to use a vanilla kernel from (I have tested this on and Here are the step by step procedures in case you are 
new to this:

1. Download the kernel from 
2. unzip, untar.
3. move the linux-2.6.x.x dir to /usr/src
	In order to use the PMU Interrupt facilities, you need to patch your kernel.
	For more detailed information, refer Patches/README
	3a. Note: The patch works only with 2.6.24 or higher kernels. Not that it
	    is different, just that from 2.6.24 on wards, they kicked the i386 branch
	    and started calling it x86.
	3b. cd to the kernel directory.
	3c. patch -p1 < /path/to/seeker/Patches/seeker-kernel-
4. Copy /boot/config-2.6.y.y to /usr/src/linux-2.6.x.x/.config where, 
   2.6.y.y is the current booted, working kernel.
5. cd /usr/src/linux-2.6.x.x
6. make menuconfig
7. Select Load alternate config file and select .config
8. In Instrumentation section, make sure kprobes is selected.
9. In Kernel Hacking section, make sure "Include debugging symbols" is selected.
10. Exit saving the .config file.
11. make (This takes a while, so go get a coffee)
12. make modules_install install
13. mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd-2.6.x.x.img 2.6.x.x
14. Open /boot/grub/grub.conf and copy the section of your working kernel to a 
    new place and change the title and others to reflect your new compiled kernel.
15. Reboot to the new kernel. 
16. Kernel Panic?? Oops... google! 

17. Once everything is up and running and if you want to use the or 
    scripts, Set the enviornment variable SEEKER_HOME to the path of your seeker 
    directory. For bash, edit the .bashrc in your home dir and put this line at the end:
    export SEEKER_HOME=/path/to/seeker;
18. Make sure you have perl, gcc (Of course!) and  g++ installed. To use the plotting
    scripts, you will need gnuplot 4.2 installed.



Core MicroArchitecture: c2d*
AMD Opteron Microarchitecture k8*

c2dpmu   - Performance counter driver
c2dfpmu  - Fixed Performance Counter driver
c2dtherm - Core temperature digital sensor driver
c2dtsc   - Time stamp counter

k8pmu    - Performance counter driver
k8fpmu   - Fixed Performance Counter stub driver
k8therm  - Core temperature digital sensor stub driver
k8tsc    - Time stamp counter

seeker-sampler - the sampling kernel module : depends on c2dpmu, c2dfpmu and c2dtherm

There are four modules in the Module/ directory.  You must be root
to install or remove modules, so you probably want to run all your
experiments as root :).

All examples are for the core microarchitecture. Just replace c2d with k8 for the
AMD architectures.

1. Type 'insmod Build/c2dpmu.ko'.  This installs only the driver
to access the performance counters.

2. Type 'insmod Build/c2dfpmu.ko'. This installs the driver to access
the fixed performance counters.

3. Type 'insmod Build/c2dtsc.ko'. This installs the driver to access
the time stamp counters,

4. Type 'insmod Build/c2dtherm.ko'. This installs the driver to access
the on-die temperature sensors.

5. For the sampling driver, type
'insmod Build/seeker-sampler.ko sample_freq=F [log_events=X,Y log_ev_masks=XM,YM os_flag=flag pmu_intr=P]'

Where log_events are event numbers, log_ev_masks are event-specific
masks, This is optional, if not provided, PMU is not monitored and only
the Fixed PM Counters are monitored.
sample_freq is the number of times per second you would like samples 
to be taken. If pmu_intr=x is provided and is less than 3, then it is
"take a sample every time counter x reaches a value of x".

pmu_intr if provided, and greater than or equal to 0 then the corrosponding
fixed counter is configured for interrupt for every sample_freq events.
Else the timer is used as an interrupt source.

os_flag indicates the value for the os_flag for the performance counters.
os_flag=0 -> Performance counters are enabled in user mode only.
os_flag=1 -> Performance counters are enabled in kernel and user mode.

A list of events are in the C2D_EVENTS.pdf file. Use a max of 2 at a time.

Almost all the parameters are optional except the sample_freq flag. Of course,
If you did not want to sample, why use seeker? There are things which are
much more convienent and will not involve you with kernel modules! 

If you decide that you want to change the events being sampled, you
must unload the seeker-sampler module: 'rmmod seeker-sampler'.  Also, if you're
going to remove the module, kill the generic_log_dump (next section) process first
and wait a couple of seconds or bad things could happen.

' log_events=X,Y log_ev_masks=XM,YM sample_freq=F os_flag=flag'
This will do all the above.



generic_log_dump - Reads from seeker-sampler and dumps into a binary file.

USAGE: generic_log_dump <interval> /dev/seeker_samples <binary file tempelate>

To get the raw sampling data from the kernel, you have to have a
daemon running to suck from the kernel buffer.  This is invoked by typing:
'Scripts/generic_log_dump T /dev/seeker_samples /path/to/binary/output/log &'

This has the effect of dumping the buffer (/dev/seeker_samples) every 'T'
second.  The data will be put in /path/to/binary/output/log0.
Note the '0' at the end. This exists to support multiple runs using 'send'
(Next section)

PS: make sure that your log* does not exist in the path you have chosen.
in other words, if generic_log_dump finds the file it wants to create,
It will choke and die.

Sometimes it takes a few seconds after a process ends for that event
to make it into the log, so I generally wait about 10-20s after I
think a process/experiment is done to swap out logs.



send - Allows restart of the generic_log_dump daemon to shift log file dumps.

USAGE: [-t]

[-t] if provided, terminates generic_log_dump. else sends an instruction to change logs

This script allows you to change log files. Helpful if you are collecting data for
a few applications and helps a lot in automating the process.


then generic_log_dump will start dumping into the file /path/to/binary/output/log1
and so on and so forth. Make sure that you call send some 20 seconds
after the experiment is done.

NOTE: To use this script, you need to have set the enviornment variable SEEKER_HOME
to point to the dir containing this script.


decodelog - Utility to decode the binary log.

USAGE: decodelog < /path/to/binary/log > /path/to/ascii/log

The log comes out in a binary format.  You want ascii, so you have to
convert it using 'Scripts/decodelog < binlog > asciilog'.  The < and > back
there are for redirection, don't forget them.

Reading the ascii log:

The log file contains a "p" line which gives the pid for each application logged.
p,<pid>,<app name>,0

Using the pid of the app, the lines for that app can be calculated.
Searching for ",<pid>," you will get the sample "s" line:
s,<cpu>,<pid>,<cycles>,<time stamp>,[<counter1>,<counter2>],<fcounter1>,<fcounter2>,<fcounter3>,<temp>
[] - optional, depends on the number of counters you are monitoring.

You can write your own scripts to parse this file, or use '' (Next Section)


pull - To get the single process sample data.

USAGE: [-o output dir -n process_name] -i inputfile_name

Usually the output ascii file is quiet exhausting and might have a lot of processes and
not really organized as it is a global sampler with per process detail. and hence, run
'Scripts -o /path/to/logs/dir -n process_name -i input_log_file_name'

If there exists different pids for the same process name, different output files will
be generated and hence -o requires the path to a directory. 

If -o is not provided (Optional) then the output files will be generated in the current dir.
If -n is not provided (Optional) then a file for each and every pid will be generated.

Output file naming format: <process_name>.pid.log

File format: CSV Format with a header.


interp - Performs linear spline interpolation on data. 

USAGE: interp /path/to/input/csv/file /path/to/output/csv/file. INTERVAL(Millions of instructions)

Configuration: Scripts/iconfig.h

As Interpolation cannot be performed on all data without generating data which does not make
sense, like interpolating Cycles.

The configuration header iconfig.h is well documented, If you required other data do edit it.


smooth - Performs auto regressive moving average on interpolated csv data.

USAGE: smooth /pathto/inerp/csv/data /path/to/op/smooth/csv/data WINDOW_LENGTH

Actual window length = 2 * WINDOW_LENGTH + 1

Main use of this util is to smooth out the data and hence remove non-understndable noise
to display trends.


maxmin - Computes per interval max and min for a set of performance data.

USAGE: maxmin /path/to/op/csv/data /path/to/indata1 /indata2 [/indata3 ....]

Computes the per interval maximum and minimum and the output is stored in
data.max and data.min

------------- - automates the decodes and pulls from binary files - organizes the output of the above script. - automates the interpolation of files - automates the smoothing process - automates the process to find max and min - The mother of all auto scripts. Run this, and go home and sleep!

All these scripts were written for myself or my research group and might be uselss for
anyone else using these scripts. Refer the README in the MiscScripts dir.

I assume that I am running spec 2006 benchmarks which are organized as the DRACO BENCHMARK


# 1. insert the c2dpmu driver
insmod Build/c2dpmu.ko

# 2. insert the fixed counter driver
insmod Build/c2dfpmu.ko

# 3. insert the TSC driver
insmod Build/c2dtsc.ko

# 4. insert the temperature sensor driver
insmod Build/c2dtherm.ko

# 5. for X:XM, Y:YM refer the core2duo system programmers reference manual.
# F is the number of times the cpu is sampled per second.

insmod Build/seeker-sampler.ko log_events=X,Y log_ev_masks=XM,YM sample_freq=F os_flag=0

# 6. Start the daemon to pull out the logs form the kernel
Scripts/generic_log_dump INTERVAL /dev/seeker_samples /path/to/log/file &

# Record the pid of generic_log_dump


# << All applications monitored ends execution

# 8. change the log file name.


# Repeat steps 7 and 8 as long as required.

# << Test ENDS

# 10. Kill daemons and remove kernel modules

Scripts/ -t
rmmod seeker-sampler
rmmod c2dtherm
rmmod c2dtsc
rmmod c2dfpmu
rmmod c2dpmu

11. Decode all log files (Repeat for every log file):

Scripts/decodelog < /path/to/input/binary/log > /path/to/output/ascii/log

12. get seperate files (Repeat for every log file)

Scripts/ -o /path/to/log/dir -i /path/to/decodelog/output



1. p4sampler, Author: Tipp Moseley, Graduate Student, Department of Computer Science,
University of Colorado, Boulder

seeker-sampler_src.c, seeker-sampler.h -> Modeled after Tipp Moseley's p4sampler
(But heavily modified to support multiple cores and multiple sources per sample)

genericlog.h/c -> Taken unmodified from p4sampler

generic_log_dump.c Modified version which supports 'send' taken from p4sampler

decodelog.c Taken unmodified from p4sampler

2. INTEL IA32/64 system programmers reference manual.

3. INTEL forums.



Amithash Prasad, Graduate Student, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Colorado, Boulder
Email: [email protected]



Fully Functional at revision 30, 
Currently fully documented, and added @ revision 40.

Revision 46: Completely documented, added and
	     Fixed a few bugs with c2dpmu and seeker-sampler
Revision 47  Now seeker-sampler.ko takes in an argument os_flag which lets the user
	     decide whether they want to count in kernel space (os_flag=1) or not
Revision 49  Removed and and now there is a single script
	     which does both called

Revision 56  send.c was replaced with an advanced Now the user does not
	     have to remember the pid of generic_log_dump
	     Renamed all modules to maintain consistency

Revision 57  Untested Change to seeker sampler. Expect another revision mentioning
	     that there are no regressions!
Revision 61  A lot of bugs in were removed.
	     Modifications made in 57 was tested. Is working and hence the comments were
Revision 63  Removed the tsc part form c2dpmu and made it another driver. On the road
	     to consistancy. And finished the Interfaces document. Found a few stray
	     unneeded / depreciated / random code on the way which was cleaned.
	     Of course, additions involves the Makefile too.
Revision 69  Reorganized everything in the modules directory. Now seeker can be made
	     architecture independent.
Revision 70  Finally, Merged the k8sampler into seeker! Now it is fully Architecture 
	     expandable. Notes: I am yet to find documentation on the on die temp
	     sensor for the amd opteron, and hence the driver is currently a stub.
Revision 104 Added a lot of automation scripts. Added programs to interpolation, 
	     Smoothing and data analysis. 
Revision 138 Added support to sample exery x events from the perf counters. This is
	     a big thing. Now there is a kernel patch and I have shifted to kernel
	     version 2.6.24. Support to older kernels will come as soon as I know
	     that things are working! Note the last change! 104 to 138 I have been
	     working on this particular feature!
Revision 146 Seeker is tested to work with the 2.6.24 kernel. Yippee. 
Revision 8   No, this is not a mistake. I just started using google code to revision
	     and host my code. And hence the restart in revisioning!
	     (At least it makes me look like a real programmer to get to this level
	     in 7 revisions! :-)



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