What's Changed
- Use conda-forge's catch2 in CI to avoid build failures, set OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 and updated catch2's used by FetchContent to 3.7.1 by @traversaro in #884
- Add USE_SYSTEM_tiny-process-library CMake option to use tiny-process-library found in system by @traversaro in #891
- Fix bug joint torque control device by @isorrentino in #890
- [ergoCubSN001] Enable the logging of the external wrenches of the legs and the arms IMUs by @GiulioRomualdi in #888
- Implement low-pass filter for estimated friction torque by @isorrentino in #892
- Switch from actions/checkout@v2 to actions/checkout@v4 by @GiulioRomualdi in #893
- Add basic test for YarpRobotLoggerDevice by @traversaro in #862
- Add motor current tracking application by @LoreMoretti in #894
- Add optional initialization of base pose and feet pose in the Unicycle Trajectory Generator by @LoreMoretti in #887
- Fix bug related to prepare_data() method calling by @fils99 in #895
- Fix the normal force limit constraint in the CentroidalMPC by @GiulioRomualdi in #898
- Add software position limits to motor current tracking application by @LoreMoretti in #901
- Add PI-ADHERENT framework to ML by @evelyd in #889
- Change device jtcvc to use motor velocity and joint velocity in input to PINN models by @isorrentino in #903
- Fix loading of Python bindings on Windows when installed in arbitrary directory by @traversaro in #905
- Set the system timer resolution to the minimum value for higher precision on Windows by @GiulioRomualdi in #907
- [ergoCubSN000] update config files of the logger device by @LoreMoretti in #913
- Add option FRAMEWORK_COMPILE_Ros1Publisher and deprecate BipedalLocomotion::YarpUtilities::RosPublisher class by @traversaro in #914
- Estimate motor and joint velocities through KF by @isorrentino in #909
- Add rpc commands to YarpLoggerDevice by @LoreMoretti in #915
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.19.0...v0.20.0