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Andrew Yaroshuk edited this page Jun 8, 2015 · 3 revisions


After you wrote your controllers, and maybe, middleware you must to setup your app. It is a good way to describe your app with a class, and then run its instance with serve:

class TestApp < Base::App
  # Rails-like approach to describe routes.It consists of path
  # and string "controller_name#action_name"
  # You can specify params to be captured:
  # get "/users/:id", "users#show"
  # sets developing mode middleware
  settings.configure do |conf|
    conf.environment = "development"
  routes.draw do
    all "/all/:id", "index#hello" # "id" will be available at request.ath_parameters"
    get "/",    "index#hello"
    get "/bye", "index#bye"

    # After you defined a controller, you have to register it in app with
    # app.routes.register(NameController) where NameController is the class name
    # of your controller.
    register IndexController

  # Middleware registering
  use TimeLogger

# App creating
app =


For now, Amethyst has two environments, that sets different middleware sets:

  • production - all base middleware
  • development - all base middleware plus devtools, such as logging
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