Golang API Application to track money transactions
- Bruno HTTP Client
- import the collection from
- import the collection from
- Database
- API Endpoints
- Go v1.21.1
- Postgres SQL
- Docker
- Fiber
- wire
- Google Cloud Build and Cloud Run
- Auth
- User
- Transaction
- Category
- Subcategory
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
run all make commands with clean tests
make all build
build the application
make build
run the application
make run
Create DB container
make docker-run
Shutdown DB container
make docker-down
live reload the application
make watch
run the test suite
make test
clean up binary from the last build
make clean
My first finished golang project, it's as simple as it gets, but I'm proud of it. I've learned a lot about the language and the ecosystem. I'm looking forward to working on more projects with Go.