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naps is a simple static site generator for Gradle written in Groovy.


Version 0.2.0 is currently in jcenter and is being used to create production websites so it can be used but expect changes since this is a young project.


See naps-test for an example project.

Getting Started

Assuming that you already have some knowledge of Gradle below is the simplest build.gradle file for a naps project.

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath group: 'org.almibe', name: 'naps', version: '0.2.0'

apply plugin: 'org.almibe.naps'

This project build file assumes all the defaults which is generally a best practice. If you look at naps-test's build file you'll see an example of including a naps section in the build file to override values such as the name of the defaultTemplate. See the class NapsPluginExtension in the file NapsPlugin.groovy for all the values that can be overridden as well as their default values.

Along side of this file you will want to create the naps version of the usual gradle project structure.


Under the /src/naps/ directory you'll notice two directories content and templates. The content directory holds three types of files regular, content, and metadata files. Content files are files that have the asciidoc file extension (adoc by default). Metadata files are files that share the same name as content files but have the *.json file extension or are the file that represents the directory default metadata file (directory.default.json by default). And regular files are all other image, html, css, js, etc. files you want copied over to your final website. Each regular file or content file represents a single file in the final website directory. The main difference is that regular files are copied over without being changed and content files are processed to create a final html file.

Templates are files that are processed with the GStringTemplateEngine. Each asciidoc file in contents with be processed with either default template (set in the build.gradle file), the template specified in the matching .json file (specified as the value of the template key), or from the directory default json file. The content of the asciidoc is inseted in the $content variable and all other are set with the content from the .json file. Templates can also reference other templates via a call such as ${'dir/innterTemplateName.html')}. The inner template has refence to all the variables of the outer template.

To create your website run gradle naps and each file in the content directory is examined. If it's an asciidoc file (by default *.adoc) it is process by asciidoctorj and the output of that process is inserted into the ${content} variable of the related template file (either the default template or the one specified in the related .json file). All other files (except for related json files) are just copied over without being changed.

Dev Mode

To allow users to view their progress while they work instead of running gradle naps users can run gradle startDev and then open their browser to http://localhost:8090 and view the site they are working on. On top of running this local server (it's an instance of Jetty) a background thread will also watch for changes to files and reprocess them as needed. To kill this mode once started hit ctrl+C in linux (or whatever similar command exists for killing long running processes).