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external openlayers package plugin for vite

Can be used in production mode without other rollup configuration.

📘 Usage

pnpm add vite-plugin-ol-external -D

Add it to vite.config.ts

// vite.config.ts
import { viteExternalOlPlugin } from 'vite-plugin-ol-external'

export default {
  plugins: [viteExternalOlPlugin({})],

🔨 How to work

transform source code of js file.

// source code
import Map from 'ol/Map'
// transformed
const Map = window['ol.Map']

// source code
import { Tile as TileLayer, Vector } from 'ol/layer'
// transformed
const Vector = window['ol.layer'].Vector
const TileLayer = window['ol.layer'].Tile

Warning: please use the plugin after converting to JS code, because the plugin only transform JS code. Eg.

import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'

export default {
  plugins: [
    vue(), // @vitejs/plugin-vue will transform SFC to JS code

    // It should be under @vitejs/plugin-vue

If an error occurs, you can check whether the error is caused by the plugin order.

📜 Configuration


disable transform in serve mode .

viteExternalOlPlugin({ disableInServe: true })


vite plugin ordering. Resolve plugin ordering cause unexpected error.



set false, the window prefix will not be added.

Warning: If your module name has special characters, such as /, set useWindow option false, will throw error.

viteExternalOlPlugin({ useWindow: false }),

// source code
import Map from 'ol/Map'
// transformed, no `const Map = window['ol.Map']`
const Map = ol.Map


The configuration item of the code sourcemap after code conversion. The library is magic-string.

💖 reference
