An app that randomizes a Call of Duty Modern Warfare (2019) and Call of Duty Warzone loadout. Application is already hosted here.
All the data displayed in the application has been scraped from the Call of Duty Wiki pages. The web scraper is under the server
folder as CodWeaponsRandomizer.CodWebPagesScraper.
All the weapons, perks, lethals and tacticals have been scraped/imported with no issue.
Due to the CW integration with WZ, CW data has been scraped as well. However, there are 4 weapons missing because the current approach is not able to scrap them:
- Ballistic Knife (a Special weapon for CW, but a Melee weapon for WZ).
- M79 (a Special weapon for CW, but a Launcher weapon for WZ).
- Nail Gun (a Special weapon for CW, but a SMG for WZ).
- R1 Shadowhunter (a Special weapon for CW, but a Tactical Rifle for WZ).
Please, visit to the client folder and server folder so you can find more details about how to run both application components.
- Differentiate MW weapons from CW weapons in UI.
- Provide a Warzone loadout hint to select a weapon from each game.
- Able to share loadout.
This App is not endorsed by Activision and its subsidiaries, nor the data displayed here belongs to the App developer. All the data is coming from Call of Duty Wiki.