libgp is a C++ library for Gaussian process regression. A Gaussian process defines a distribution over functions and inference takes place directly in function space. It is fully specified by a mean function and a positive definite covariance function. This library uses two types of covariance functions, simple and composite. Composite functions can be composed of other composite functions, allowing flexible structures.
- Linear covariance function.
- Linear covariance function with automatic relevance detection.
- Matern covariance function with nu=1.5 and isotropic distance measure.
- Matern covariance function with nu=2.5 and isotropic distance measure.
- Independent covariance function (white noise).
- Radial basis covariance function with compact support.
- Isotropic rational quadratic covariance function.
- Squared exponential covariance function with automatic relevance detection.
- Squared exponential covariance function with isotropic distance measure.
- Sums of covariance functions.
- The mean function is fixed to zero.
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Initialize the model by specifying the input dimensionality and the covariance function.
GaussianProcess gp(2, "CovSum ( CovSEiso, CovNoise)");
Set log-hyperparameter of the covariance function.
Add data to the training set. Input vectors x must be provided as double[] and targets y as double.
gp.add_pattern(x, y);
Predict value or variance of an input vector x.
f = gp.f(x);
v = gp.var(x);
Use write function to save a Gaussian process model and the complete training set to a file.
void write(const char * filename);
A new instance of the Gaussian process can be instantiated from this file using the following constructor.
GaussianProcess (const char * filename);
- hyper-parameter optimization
- custom covariance functions
- the libgp file format
- cmake: cross-platform, open-source build system
- Eigen3: template library for linear algebra
- googletest (optional)
2012/10/11 version 0.1.4 \ log likelihood function and gradient computation \ hyper-parameter optimization using RProp \ online updates of the Cholesky decomposition \
2011/09/28 version 0.1.3 \ improved organization of training data \ improved interfaces
2011/06/03 version 0.1.2 \ added Matern5 covariance function \ added isotropic rational quadratic covariance function \ added function to draw random data according to covariance function
2011/05/27 version 0.1.1 \ google-tests added \ added Matern3 covariance function \ various bugfixes
2011/05/26 version 0.1.0 basic functionality for standard gp regression \ most important covariance functions implemented \ capability to read and write models to disk