This is our final project for CS362, and it is an implementation of a multiplayer game of pong in which the controllers connect wirelessly using a local network set up by a center pi. The center pi also broadcasts updated coordinates to the clients of the players positions, and sends the score wirelessed to a raspberry pi with a scoreboard hooked up as a segment display.
- Alex Chomiak
- Tyler Lyczak
- Jigar Patel
- Amratya Saraswat
You must use python version 3.7 if on MacOS Catalina to run this project, otherwise any Python3.6 and above version should be fine. Make sure you have pygame installed by running the command:
pip3 install pygame
Now make sure you are in the server directory and run the command:
You must also use Python3 for the client. You can connect to the server by running this command in the Client directory:
python3 <port> <ip>
If no ip is provided, it will default to localhost.