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dotfiles for a macOS setup.

This was setup using a bare git repo, per an Atlassian article.


  • zsh aliases everywhere
  • oh-my-zsh customizations
  • VS Code (settings.json and keybindings.json)
  • LaunchAgents (learn more here)
    • to remap/swap the ESC and CAPS keys
    • to schedule the running of a command that excludes node_modules from Time Machine backups
  • VLC config for my preferred keyboard mapping


  1. Clone this repo using the --bare flag into the root directory.

    git clone --bare [email protected]:alexchao26/.dotfiles.git

  2. Reload the terminal window, so the .zshrc config adds an alias for dotfile

  3. Use the dotfile alias to checkout these files to the new system. It might throw errors if these files already exist - if so back them up, or delete them.

    dotfile checkout

  4. Don't show untracked files in the copied bare file

    dotfile config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no

  5. (Optional) Setup symlink to iCloud to $HOME

    ln -s ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com\~apple\~CloudDocs ./icloud

Adding New Changes

Use the dotfile alias as you would git.

dotfile add ~/some/path/file.file
dotfile commit -m 'added file.file'
dotfile push

General macOS Settings & Programs I like

  • Alfred to replace native Spotlight
  • Rectangle for window management
    • I (unfortunately?) paid for Magnet when I first got a Mac so I just use that, but Rectangle is open source and free :)
  • Command to remove animation time of dock un-hiding: defaults write autohide-time-modifier -float 1; killall Dock

VSCode Extensions


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