Pharo transformation Language is a transformation model language like ALT tefkat.
For now there is only a pattern matching implemented.
execute this.
repository: 'github://alessho/PTL:main';
baseline: 'PTL';
we can match some Literal:
stringMatcher := 100 asMatcher.
stringMatcher2 := PTLMatcherInteger named: #int asMatcher.
(stringMatcher match: 100) isMatch. "true"
(stringMatcher match: 50) isMatch. "false"
(stringMatcher2 match: 200) at: #int. "200"
stringMatcher := 'klm' asMatcher.
stringMatcher2 := PTLMatcherString named: #str asMatcher.
(stringMatcher match: 'klm') isMatch. "true"
(stringMatcher match: 'patrick') isMatch. "false"
(stringMatcher2 match: 'anything') at: #str. "anything"
pattern := { 'set' , #'*aName'} asMatcher.
(pattern match: 'setLabel') at: #aName. "Label"
#* this match a collection of ellement. #* it's equivalent to a kleen star.
pattern := {#'@first' . #'*' . #'@last' } asMatcher.
matchResult := pattern match: {1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6}.
matchResult at: #first."1"
matchResult at: #last. "6"
#@aName will store only one element.
pattern := { (RBSequenceNode suchAs: { (#statements -> {
(RBAssignmentNode suchAs: { (#variable -> #'@x') }).
(RBAssignmentNode suchAs: { (#variable -> #'@y') }).
((RBMessageNode suchAs: {
(#receiver -> #'@x').
(#arguments -> #'@y') }) named: #message) }) }) }
rbAST := RBParser parseExpression: 'a := 5. b:= 5. a + b'.
matchResult := pattern match: rbAST.
matchResult isMatch. "true"
matchResult at: #x. "RBVariableNode ..."
matchResult at: #y ."RBVariableNode ..."
matchResult at: #message.
so to summarize , in order to write pattern matching on Object/element of your metaModel. you have to write something like this.
pattern := {MyObject suchAs: {#attribut1 -> "ShouldBeLike" MyObjectB } } asMatcher
and in 'a := 5. b:= 5. a + b'
expression there is another concept in our pattern.
it's the fact that we can express that we want to match element that we matched.
(RBMessageNode suchAs: {
(#receiver -> #'@x').
(#arguments -> #'@y') }) named: #message) })
in this part , there is #'@x' and #'@y' x and y are already used in asignementNode. Thanks to this it will only match if the value matched in x and y are equals to the current node.
I match if the matched value is in my range.
pattern := #'16..31' asMatcher. ""
(pattern match: 16 ) isMatch" true"
(pattern match: 31 ) isMatch" true"
(pattern match: 18 ) isMatch" true"
(pattern match: 0 ) isMatch" false"
I modelise on GenMyModel the class hierarchy.
This picture contains 2 important Object , MatcherModelEntity the root of the metaModel of pattern matching , and MatcherResult the Object return by the pattern when it match.
It return by the pattern when it match. It will contains every matched Object.
MatcherModelEntity define many operations:
it's the entry point of the API it will be use by the client. t's return a MatcherResult anObjectToMatch is convert as collection in order to be able to iterate on it.
aMatcherResult is transmit by parameter in order to store matched object. return a Boolean.
this method is responsible of asking if it's match. If it match so it will store the the matched value and pop from the collection.
### hasMatch: anObjectToMatch withContext: aMatcherResult
return a boolean true if it match else false. my subclasses have to implement me.
this method is responsible of saving aValue if there is a selector into aMatcherResult.
in order to do this you just have to create an object subclass of MatcherModelEntity.