This is a detector that uses MoTion to detect links, between both client and server sides, established using RPC in GWT framework
- Create a new Moose Image
- Import a Famix Model
- Open Moose Playground (
) in your and execute the following Metacello script (select it and press Do-it button orCtrl+D
Metacello new
baseline: 'LinksDetectorGWTRPC';
repository: 'github://AlessHosry/LinksDetector-GWT-RPC:main';
- Paste below code in playground:
linksDetector := LinksDetector new.
linksDetector model: (MooseModel root at: 1). "Make sure the index is correct"
linksDetector detectAllLinks .
rpclinks := linksDetector links
- This library uses MoTion, in case it was not downloaded, you can find it here:
- Don't forget to load package 'MoTion-Moose'