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ATUI (Alex Tech User Interface)

Front-end library to build your website easier.

GitHub tag (latest SemVer pre-release) jsDelivr hits (GitHub) npm GitHub milestone GitHub contributors

This library is still under development !

Currently, there is only beta versions which you can use, but keep in mind this is still in development !
Anyway, you can already contribute to the project and give your opinions to help me in the work !

We are looking for developers with these skills in particular !

  • SASS : to improve code quality and use more SASS optimizations.
  • JavaScript (and Typescript soon) : to improve the code quality.
  • Web libraries users : to test ATUI and give feedback, mostly about reducing the rigor of the ATUI code for a lighter approach.

Download and use ATUI

For all these links, duplicate these 2 import lines and replace kernel by the name of the extension you want to use :

  • MediasPlayer if you need audio and video players.
  • SearchServices if you need search components such as bar, panel and filter.

By NPM package (recommended)

Install the NPM package :

npm install @alcapitan/atui

Then, import ATUI in your project using the way you want :

# Links with node_modules
# Imports in JavaScript
import '@alcapitan/atui/atui/kernel/dist/main.css'
import '@alcapitan/atui/atui/kernel/dist/main.js'

By CDN (for those who don't want to use NPM)

Directly import ATUI in your project :[email protected]/atui/kernel/dist/dist.css[email protected]/atui/kernel/dist/dist.js

However, we warn you that using unpkg is quite slow in comparison of NPM install.

Nightly channel (only for hard developers !)

To get ATUI from the latest commit in the github repo :

Warning : is blocked in Egypt and China, so these links cannot be used. Consequently, we advise you to use a VPN in the absence of a practical way to get content from Github repository in real time.


ATUI is an open-source project that invites collaboration.
You can help in the development of the project even without coding ! So you can test ATUI, report bugs, give your opinions and ideas for improvement, and more...
Before contributing, please read All your reports must be done in Issues on GitHub. The roadmap is also in the Issues page.

Besides, you will have to preview ATUI on your computer, you must preview ATUI in HTTP mode using an VScode extension like Live Server. This is because some JavaScript functionalities of ATUI cannot work in local file mode.
By the way, as ATUI use NPM, you will have to install and update NPM dependencies regularly (about once a week).

What is this project in a nutshell ?

The goals of ATUI

  • To be as understandable and simple to use as possible for beginners.
  • To provide useful tools to make websites faster to avoid wasting time on tedious things

Tree structure explanation

  • In the /atui folder, you will find the source code of ATUI in the kernel folder. As well as the officials extensions in the others folders.


One of ATUI's fun features is extensions. Extensions are additional features, coded to work on ATUI, to give you more possibilities.
Anyone can create an extension, but you have to respect extension coding standards, and not break the sites that will use them.

Official extensions

  • MediasPlayer : Contains all necessary tools to play music or video.
  • SearchServices : Contains all the necessary tools to search anything by sending a query to a server.

License & Use of external service

This project is released under GNU General Public License.

Thanks to some services which I use