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Be The Hero API
Be The Hero - API


Semana OmniStack 11.0


Semana OmniStack 11.0 is the 11th edition of the one week long time limited web course hosted by RocketSeat that took place from March 23, 2020 to March 29, 2020. The goal of these series of lessons is to present a solid and complete stack based on Javascript (Node.js, ReactJS and React Native) and to build a cool little project.

The Project

The proposed project for the Semana Omnistack 11.0 is a web app to help NGOs (non governmental organizations) finding people willing fund their social projects. After signing up, the NGOs will be able to register social projects they are currently seeking help to fund. Those projects will be available for the general audience on the mobile app. A backend piece will serve both apps.

This repo

This repo holds the source code for the backend application that serves the restfull API for both web and mobile apps.


  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Sqlite
  • KnexJS


  • Node v12+
  • Npm 6+

Download & Installation

Clone this repo, install and migrate the database.

$ git clone
$ cd be-the-hero-backend
$ npm install
$ npx knex migrate:latest


You can now run the app:

$ npm start

This will start the web server on http://localhost:3333.

If for any reason you wish to change the port this app listens to, you can do that by editing the src/index.js file:

// src/index.js
  app.listen(8080); // or whatever you wish

There's no need to run the app again.

Exposed API Endpoints

URL Method Auth Description
/sessions POST Nope Retrieves NGO data matching ong_id provided on the request body
/me GET Yup Gets the current logged in NGO
/ongs GET Nope Gets a list of all NGOs
/ongs POST Nope Signs up a new NGO
/incidents GET Nope Retrieves a list of all incidents
/incidents POST Yup Adds a new incident to the logged in NGO
/incidents/:id DELETE Yup Deletes the incident identified by :id

POST /sessions

Returns the NGO data if the provided ong_id matches an existing one on the database.


Name Required Type Description
ong_id required string The product for which to perform the action.



URL: http://localhost:3333/sessions
Method: POST
Headers: -
Body: {
  "ong_id": "22b41f77"


Status 200 OK
Body:  {
  "id": "22b41f77",
  "name": "Example NGO",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "whatsapp": "81 3200-0000",
  "city": "City",
  "uf": "PE"

GET /me

Returns the data for the current logged in NGO. Reads the ong_id from the Authorization header.


Name Required Type Description
Authorization required string The NGO id.



URL: http://localhost:3333/me
Method: GET
Headers: Authorization: 22b41f77
Body: -


Status 200 OK
Body:  {
  "id": "22b41f77",
  "name": "APAD2",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "whatsapp": "81 3200-0000",
  "city": "Recife",
  "uf": "PE",
  "incidents": [
      "id": 1,
      "title": "Incident 1",
      "description": "Details",
      "value": 120,
      "ong_id": "22b41f77"
      "id": 2,
      "title": "John Smith needs a wheel chair",
      "description": "Mr John Smith is an elderly man that suffered an accident ...",
      "value": 120,
      "ong_id": "22b41f77"

GET /ongs

Retrieves a list with all registered NGOs.



URL: http://localhost:3333/ongs
Method: GET
Headers: -
Body: -


Status 200 OK
Body:  [
    "id": "c17ae95c",
    "name": "Example NGO",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "whatsapp": "81 3200-0000",
    "city": "Recife",
    "uf": "PE"
    "id": "3d421867",
    "name": "Example NGO 2",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "whatsapp": "81 3200-0000",
    "city": "Recife",
    "uf": "PE"

POST /ongs

Creates a new NGO and returns it's ID. This ID can be used as the Authorization header to identify the NGO.


Name Required Type Description
Body required string JSON string containing the NGO data.


Name Required Type Length Description
name required string 255 The NGO's name.
email required string 255 The NGO's email address.
whatsapp required string 255 The NGO's WhatsApp number (phone number).
city required string 255 The NGO's city.
uf required string 2 The abbreviated form of the NGO's state (stands for unidade federativa in portuguese).



URL: http://localhost:3333/ongs
Method: POST
Headers: -
Body: {
	"name": "Example NGO 2",
	"email": "[email protected]",
	"whatsapp": "81 3200-0000",
	"city": "Recife",
	"uf": "PE"


Status 200 OK
Body: {
  "id": "3d421867"

GET /incidents

Lists incidents registered in the application. This endpoint paginates the incidents with 5 items per page. You can especify the page by providing a page URL query parameter.

Query Parameters

Name Default Type Description
page 1 integer The number of the page. If left blank, defaults to 1.



URL: http://localhost:3333/incidents?page=2
Method: GET
Headers: -
Body: -


Status 200 OK
Body: [
        "id": 1,
        "title": "Incident 1",
        "description": "Details",
        "value": 120,
        "ong_id": "22b41f77",
        "name": "APAD2",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "whatsapp": "81 3200-0000",
        "city": "Recife",
        "uf": "PE"
        "id": 2,
        "title": "John Smith needs a wheel chair",
        "description": "Mr John Smith is an elderly man that suffered an accident ...",
        "value": 120,
        "ong_id": "22b41f77",
        "name": "APAD2",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "whatsapp": "81 3200-0000",
        "city": "Recife",
        "uf": "PE"

POST /incidents

Creates a new incident adding it to the current logged in NGO.


Name Required Type Description
Authorization required string The NGO id.


Name Required Type Description
Body required string JSON string containing the incident data.


Name Required Type Length Description
title required string 255 The incident's title.
description required string 255 The incident's description.
value required float The desired amount of money the NGO desires to fund for this incident



URL: http://localhost:3333/incidents
Method: POST
Headers: Authorization: 22b41f77
Body: {
	"title": "John Smith needs a wheel chair",
	"description": "Mr John Smith is an elderly man that suffered an accident ...",
	"value": 120


Status 200 OK
Body: {
  "id": 14,

DELETE /incidents/:id

Deletes the incident identified by :id. Checks whether the incident's ong_id matches the id of the logged in NGO or not. If it does, the incident is removed. If not, an error is shown.


Name Required Type Description
Authorization required string The NGO id.

URL Parameters

Name Required Type Description
id required integer The id for the incident to be deleted



URL: http://localhost:3333/incidents/14
Method: DELETE
Headers: Authorization: 22b41f77
Body: -


Status 204 No Content
Body: -