This plugin is a wrapper of the very helpful Swift framework PermissionScope. It defines a global PermissionScope object, which permits to requesting permissions from users.
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-permissionScope --save
The iOS part is written in Swift and the Swift support plugin is configured as a dependency.
<preference name="UseLegacySwiftLanguageVersion" value="true" />
- iOS
Inits and customizes the dialog and all the alerts displayed from direct requests. If called without any parameter then the default config is restored.
The following properties are available:
Property | Comment |
headerLabel | Header UILabel with the message "Hey, listen!" by default. |
bodyLabel | Header UILabel with the message "We need a couple things\r\nbefore you get started." by default. |
closeButtonTitle | Title for the close button. "Close" by default. |
closeButtonTextColor | Hex color code for the close button's text color (ie: #cccccc). |
closeOffset | Offset used to position the Close button (ie: {-200,0}). |
permissionButtonTextColor | Hex color code for the permission buttons' text color (ie: #cccccc). |
permissionButtonBorderColor | Hex color code for the permission buttons' border color (ie: #cccccc). |
permissionButtonΒorderWidth | Border width for the permission buttons. |
permissionButtonCornerRadius | Corner radius for the permission buttons. |
permissionLabelColor | Hex color code for the permission labels' text color (ie: #cccccc). |
authorizedButtonColor | Hex color code used for permission buttons with authorized status (ie: #cccccc). |
unauthorizedButtonColor | Hex color code used for permission buttons with unauthorized status. By default, inverse of authorizedButtonColor (ie: #cccccc). |
deniedAlertTitle | Title for the denied alert. |
deniedAlertMessage | Message for the denied alert. |
deniedCancelActionTitle | Title for the denied alert's cancel button. "OK" by default. |
deniedDefaultActionTitle | Title for the denied alert's default button. "Show me" by default. |
disabledAlertTitle | Title for the disabled alert. |
disabledAlertMessage | Message for the disabled alert. |
disabledCancelActionTitle | Title for the disabled alert's cancel button. "OK" by default. |
disabledDefaultActionTitle | Title for the disabled alert's default button. "Show me" by default. |
Displays the permissions dialog if permissions have to be approved else does nothing.
The following methods permit to set up permissions asked from the dialog :
PermissionScope.addNotificationsPermission(message, success, error)
PermissionScope.addLocationInUsePermission(message, success, error)
PermissionScope.addLocationAlwaysPermission(message, success, error)
PermissionScope.addContactsPermission(message, success, error)
PermissionScope.addEventsPermission(message, success, error)
PermissionScope.addMicrophonePermission(message, success, error)
PermissionScope.addCameraPermission(message, success, error)
PermissionScope.addPhotosPermission(message, success, error)
PermissionScope.addRemindersPermission(message, success, error)
PermissionScope.addBluetoothPermission(message, success, error)
PermissionScope.addMotionPermission(message, success, error)
Message is a label displayed below the permission button. Its goal is to explain why a permission has to be approved.
The following methods permit to check whether a particular permission has been granted else it displays an alert :
PermissionScope.requestNotificationsPermission(success, error)
PermissionScope.requestLocationInUsePermission(success, error)
PermissionScope.requestLocationAlwaysPermission(success, error)
PermissionScope.requestContactsPermission(success, error)
PermissionScope.requestEventsPermission(success, error)
PermissionScope.requestMicrophonePermission(success, error)
PermissionScope.requestCameraPermission(success, error)
PermissionScope.requestPhotosPermission(success, error)
PermissionScope.requestRemindersPermission(success, error)
PermissionScope.requestBluetoothPermission(success, error)
PermissionScope.requestMotionPermission(success, error)
headerLabel: 'Hello',
bodyLabel: 'Before you get started',
closeButtonTextColor: '#cccccc',
closeButtonTitle: 'Return',
permissionButtonTextColor: '#30ab7d',
permissionButtonBorderColor: '#30ab7d',
closeOffset: '{-200, 0}',
authorizedButtonColor: '#cccccc',
unauthorizedButtonColor: '#c2262d',
permissionButtonCornerRadius: '20',
permissionLabelColor: '#ff5500',
permissionButtonΒorderWidth: '5',
deniedCancelActionTitle: 'Cancel',
deniedDefaultActionTitle: 'Settings',
deniedAlertTitle: 'Permission',
deniedAlertMessage: 'Please enable all the permissions',
disabledCancelActionTitle: 'Cancel',
disabledDefaultActionTitle: 'Settings',
PermissionScope.addBluetoothPermission('Please enable access to your Bluetooth');
PermissionScope.addCameraPermission('Please enable access to your Camera');
PermissionScope.addPhotosPermission('Please enable access to your Photos');;
The result could be something like this :
Here is the default version :
denieddDefaultActionTitle: 'Settings'
Here is what you should obtain if the permission has not been granted :
An app is available in the tests/app
folder and is generated from the Cordova Plugin TestFramework.
It permits to launch auto tests and manual tests.
To install it, please follow these steps :
npm run install && cordova run --device