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Amazon Web Services Cheat Sheet for beginners

AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

Create security group

(We will use secutity group in the next steps.)

  • Open the Amazon EC2 console.
  • Choose Security Groups on the left-hand menu,
  • Click the Create Security Group tab.
  • You will see this:
Security Group Name  : Please write a name
Description         : Please write a description
VPC                 : `Default VPC`
Inbound Rules:
    - Type: SSH----> Source: Anywhere
    - Type: HTTP ---> Source: Anywhere
Outbound Rules: Keep it as it is
    - Key   : Name
    - Value : Please write value
  • Click Create Security Group button.

Create Instance

(A simple example for new learners. You can change and improve these settings as you learn.)

  • Go to AWS console page
  • Click on EC2
  • Click on Instances
  • Click on Launch Instance
  • On Name and Tags: Write a name
  • On Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image): Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
  • On Instance Type: Choose an Instance Type, (You can choose free tier)
  • On Key pair (login): You can create a new key pair (You must have a key pair in each region.)
  • On Network settings: Set the security groups
  • On Configure Storage, (8 GB is enough for now)
  • Click on Launch Instance
  • You created an instance 💪

Create Instance with user data

(Almost same as above)

  • Go to AWS console page
  • Click on EC2
  • Click on Instances
  • Click on Launch Instance
  • On Name and Tags: Write a name
  • On Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image): Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
  • On Instance Type: Choose an Instance Type, (You can choose free tier)
  • On Key pair (login): You can create a new key pair (You must have a key pair in each region.)
  • On Network settings: Set the security groups
  • On Configure Storage, (8 GB is enough for now)
  • Click on the Advanced details at the bottom,
  • Go to user data,
  • (With apache) Open the file user_data_for_apache_server.txt in this repository and copy content, or
  • (With nginx) Open the file user_data_for_nginx.txt in this repository and copy content,
  • Paste it in user data,
  • Click on Launch Instance

Connect to your instance (method1)

(We have already created an instance)

  • Go to AWS console page
  • Click on EC2
  • Click on Instances
  • Select previously created instance
  • Click on Connect
  • Find 'Connect to your instance using its Public DNS'
  • Copy this link
  • Go to your VS Code
  • Open a Terminal in the directory
  • Open terminal in the directory where the your key is
  • Paste the link
  • Write 'yes'
  • And we connected from our computer to our EC2💪

Connect to your instance (method2)

(We have already created an instance)

  • Go to AWS console page and copy your puplic IP,

  • Open your VS Code,

  • Click on Open a remote window (bottom left),

  • Click on Open ssh configuration file

  • Edit config file

    TCPKeepAlive yes

    ServerAliveInterval 60

    Host You can write your name

    HostName Your puplic IP

    IdentityFile Your pem file path

    User ec2-user for Amazon linux

  • Save and close

  • Again Click on Open a remote window

  • Click on connect to host

  • And continue ...

Use Cloudformation to create an EC2 instance

  • Go to AWS console page
  • Create a template on your local machine. Click here for more details of template creating.
  • At AWS Consol Click on services and search for Cloudformation.
  • You are at Cloudformation main dashboard
  • Click on Create Stack
  • Select "Template is ready" (assuming we created a template above)
  • Select "Upload a template file" and upload your template (If you have already a template in AWS S3 you can choose Amazon S3 URL)
  • Click on Next and enter a Stack name
  • Choose the instance type, and existing key from your account.
  • Click on Next
  • Tags are optional, you may or may not add tags in this step
  • Now you don't need to set 'Configure stack options'
  • Review and click Create Stack

Create a target group

(Assume we create already two instances)

  • Go to AWS console page
  • Click on EC2
  • Click on Target Groups
  • Click on Create Target Group
  • Basic configuration.
Choose a target type    : Instances
Target Groups Name      : Please write a name
Protocol                : HTTP
Port                    : 80
VPC                     : Default
Protocol version        : HTTP1
  • Health checks
Health check protocol   : HTTP
Health check path       : /
  • Advance Health check settings.
Port                    : Traffic port
Healthy treshold        : 5
Unhealthy treshold      : 2
Timeout                 : 5 seconds
Interval                : 10 seconds
Succes codes            : 200
  • Tags
Key                     : Name
Value                   : Please write value
  • Click on 'next'
  • Select two instances that is created from Launch Template before and add to them to the target group.
Ports for the selected instances : 80
  • Click Include as pending below button.
  • Show that two instances are added to the target group.
  • Click Create target group button.

EC2 Extend Root Volume

(We have already created an Amazon Linux 2 instance with default ebs volume and ssh)

  • Go to AWS console page
  • Click on EC2
  • Click on Instances
  • Connect your Instance
  • List block devices (lsblk)
  • Verify the file system in use for each volume
   df -h
  • Check file system of the root volume's partition.
   sudo file -s /dev/xvda1
  • Go to Volumes, select instance's root volume and modify it (increase capacity 8 GB >> 12 GB)
   sudo file -s /dev/xvda1
  • Extend partition 1 on the modified volume and occupy all newly avaiable space.
   sudo growpart /dev/xvda 1
  • Resize the xfs file system on the extended partition to cover all available space.
   sudo xfs_growfs /dev/xvda1
  • List block devices (lsblk) and file system disk space usage (df) of the instance again. Partition and file system should be extended.
   df -h

Install Nginx Web Server on EC2 Linux 2

(We have already created an Amazon Linux 2 instance)

  • Connect to your instance with SSH.
   ssh -i [Your Key pair] ec2-user@[Your EC2 IP / DNS name]
  • Update the installed packages and package cache on your instance.
   sudo yum update -y
  • Install the Nginx Web Server.
   sudo amazon-linux-extras install nginx1
  • Install the Nginx Web Server.
   sudo amazon-linux-extras install nginx1
  • Start the Nginx Web Server.
   sudo systemctl start nginx
  • Check from browser with public IP/DNS

Creating Launch Templates

  • Open the Amazon EC2 console
  • On the navigation pane, under INSTANCES, choose Launch Templates.

  • Click on Create launch template.

  • Enter a name and provide a description for the initial version of the launch template.

Name : MyFirstTemplate Template version description : Origin

  • Autoscaling Guidance (Keep it as default)

  • Template Tags (Keep it as is)

  • Source Template (Keep it as is)

  • Amazon machine image (AMI)

Choose Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM)

  • Instance Type

Choose t2.micro

  • Key pair

Please select your key pair (pem key) that is created before

  • Security groups

Create a Security Group (SSH 22, HTTP 80 ----> anywhere(

  • Storage (volumes)

we keep it as is (Volume 1 (AMI Root) (8 GiB, EBS, General purpose SSD (gp2)))

  • Resource tags

Key : Name Value : Webserver-Origin Resource type : Instance

  • Network interfaces (Keep it as is)

  • Advance details (Keep it as is)

  • Click on Create Launch Template

  • Select MyFirstTemplate ---> Actions ---> Launch Instance from Template

  • Enter number of instance as 1.

  • Keep the rest of settings as is and click the Launch instance from template at the bottom.

  • Go to EC2 Instance menu and show the created instance.

Launch Template Versioning

  • Go to Launch Template menu on the left hand pane

  • Select template named MyFirstTemplate ---> Actions ---> Modify template (Create New Version)

  • Template version description

You can write version and description

  • Key pair

Select your .pem file name

  • Resource tags

Key : Name Value : Webserver-V2 Resource type : Instance

  • Go to Advance Details on the bottom and add the script given below into the user data field.


yum update -y amazon-linux-extras install nginx1 systemctl enable nginx systemctl start nginx

  • Go to Launch Template Menu and click on MyFirstTemplate.

  • You can see new version on the Versions tab.

AWS IAM (Identity & Access Management)

What is IAM?

AWS IAM stands for Identity & Access Management and is the primary service that handles authentication and authorization processes within AWS environments.

Creating IAM user

Let's pretend that we only have the root account in the first place. Create IAM user with Administrator access for your daily work

  • Log in as a Root User
  • Go to AWS console page
  • Click on IAM
  • Click on Users
  • Click on Add users
  • On Set user details: Write a user name (You can enter multiple usernames at the same time)
  • Select AWS access type
  • On Set permissions: Attach existing policies directly (You can copy permissions from existing user or if there is already a group you can choose add user group)
  • Choose one or more policies
  • Click on Next Tags and Add tags (optional)
  • Click on Next Review
  • Click on Create User
  • You successfully created user(s)
  • You should keep Access key ID and Secret access key in a safe place.

Creating IAM group

  • Log in as a IAM User (we already created IAM user above)
  • Go to AWS console page
  • Click on IAM
  • Click on User groups
  • Click on Create group
  • On Name the group: Write a group name Add users to the group - Optional (You can now add users to the group or later)
  • On Attach permissions policies - Optional (You can choose one or more policies, you can make it later)
  • Click on Create Group
  • You successfully created a group
  • If we didn't add above, we can add users now
  • Click on IAM
  • Click on User groups
  • Click on the group name you created earlier
  • Click on Add users
  • Choose user(s)
  • Click on Add users

AWS Simple Storage Service (S3)

What is S3?

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance.

Creating a S3 bucket

  • Open S3 Service from AWS Management Console.
  • Click on Create bucket
  • Write a bucket name Bucket name must be unique and must not contain spaces or uppercase letters.
  • Select a region.
  • Object Ownership (ACLs enabled - Bucket owner preferred)
  • Block all public access Checked (KEEP BlOCKED)
  • Versioning(Disabled)
  • Tagging (0 Tags)
  • Default encryption(None)
  • Object-level logging (Disabled)
  • Click on Create bucket
  • We created a bucket

Creating a new Bucket for Static Website

  • Open S3 Service from AWS Management Console.
  • Click on Create bucket
  • Write a bucket name Bucket name must be unique and must not contain spaces or uppercase letters.
  • Select a region.
  • Object Ownership (ACLs disabled (recommended))
  • Block all public access Checked (KEEP BlOCKED)
  • Versioning(Enabled)
  • Tagging (0 Tags)
  • Default encryption(None)
  • Object-level logging (Disabled)
  • Click on Create bucket
  • We created a bucket
  • Click your S3 bucket and upload following files. (You can find files in this repository)

index.html cat.jpg

  • Click on your bucket name,
  • Click on *Properties
  • Static website hosting click on Edit
  • Choose Enable
  • Index document = index.html
  • Change the bucket Public Access status from CHECKED(BLOCKED) to UNCHECKED(PUBLIC)
  • Set the static website bucket policy as Use the aws-s3-static-website-policy.json file (PERMISSIONS >> BUCKET POLICY) and change bucket-name with your own bucket.
  • Open static website URL in browser and see its working.

Creating an Image from the Snapshot of the Nginx Server and Launching a new Instance

  • Launch an instance with following configurations.

    Security Group: Allow SSH and HTTP ports from anywhere User data (paste user data seen below for Nginx)

  yum update -y
  amazon-linux-extras install nginx1.12
  yum install wget -y
  cd /usr/share/nginx/html
  chmod o+w /usr/share/nginx/html
  rm index.html
  systemctl start nginx
  systemctl enable nginx

Tag: Since "Data Lifecycle Manager" work based on tags, we use tag to customize Instance!

  Key: Name 
  Value: SampleInstance  
  • First copy the Instance ID and then go to EC2 dashboard and click "Snapshot" section.
  • Click create snapshot button.

Select resource type : Instance Instance ID : Select the instance ID of Nginx Name(manually) : Instance-Snapshot_First

  • Click create snapshot.

  • Click snapshot Action menu and select create image

  • Write please Name and Description

Name        : MyfirstAMI_1
Description : MyfirstAMI_1
  • Click the launch instance tab.
  • Click myAMI from left-hand menu.
  • Select `MyfirstAMI_1' as AMI
  • Launch instance named "Instance_1_from_Sample_Instance"
  • Copy the public IP of the newly created instance and paste it to the browser.
  • Show that the Nginx Web Server is working.


###Creating RDS Instance on AWS Management Console

  • First, go to the Amazon RDS Service and select Database section from the left-hand menu, click databases and then click Creating Database.

  • Choose a database creation method.

Standard Create
  • Engine option
  • Version
  • Template
Free tier
  • Settings
DB instance identifier: RDS-mysql
Master username: admin
Master password: Pl123456789
  • DB instance class
Burstable classes (includes t classes) : db.t2.micro
  • Storage
Storage type          : ssd
Storage size          : default 20GiB
Storage autoscaling   : unchecked
  • Connectivity
VPC                           : default

Click Additional Connectivity Configuration;

Subnet group                  : default
*Publicly accessible          : ***Yes
Existing VPC security groups  : Default
Availability Zone             : No preference
Database port                 : 3306
  • Database authentication
DB Authentication: Password authentication
  • Additional configuration
Initial DB name                   : clarusway
DB parameter group & option group : default
Automatic backups                 : enable
Backup retention period           : 7 days (Explain how)

Select window for backup to show snapshots
Monitoring  : Unchecked
Log exports : Unchecked

  - Enable auto minor version upgrade: Enabled (Explain what minor and major upgrade are)
  - Maintenance window (be careful not to overlap maintenance and backup windows)

Deletion protection: *Enabled
  • Estimated monthly costs Show that when you select production instead of Free Tier Template it charges you.

  • Click Create Database button

  • Go to database menu and select RDS-mysql database and show and explain sub-sections (Connectivity & Security, Monitoring etc.)

  • Show the Automatic backup also.

  • Show Modify button

  • Show action button (restore,take snapshots, etc.)


Amazon Web Services Cheat Sheet for beginners







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