An engine for hybrid synchronous/turn-based games.
(Not really ready for public consumption. Sorry for the shoddy docs!)
import timeline from "timeline"
// Make some state
let initialState = {
counter: 0
// Create a "glossary" that describes available actions
let glossary = {
spec: { amt: "number" },
increment: {
resolve: (state, action) => {
let counter = state.counter + action.amt
return {...state, counter} // All glossary entries must be pure
// Create an update function particular to your rules
let update = timeline(glossary)
// Update your state
let {state, resolved, receipt} = update(inititalState, [
{type: "increment", amt: 10},
{type: "increment", amt: 90},
{type: "increment", amt: "FOOBAR"}
state.counter === 100 // true
resolved.length === 2 // true
receipt.length === 3 // true
receipt[2].err // "amt should be of type number"
Reserved keys are pending
and times
Optionally, set times.turnLength
a value in ms. (Defaults to Infinity
Reserved keys are id
Use must set key type
. User may set keys turn
or time
An action without a time
or turn
key will be resolved syncronously.
Describes how different actions types are handled and resolved against the state.
A glossary is composed of of entries
, with keys corresponding to action
Number, indicates the number of turns from the turn at prep time to resolvetime
Number, indicates the number of ms from prep time to resolve
Hooks (always pure functions):
:{key: "type", ...} or (action) => (undefined || throw)
:(state, action) => action
:(state, action) => undefined || err
:(state, action, now) => state
: (state, apply, prep, now) => state
Runs between every resolved action. Useful for creating actions based on state (e.g., a move from a to b triggers a battle there, due to contact with the enemy).
By default, onResolve is a noop.
: (state, apply, prep, turnActions) => state
Runs at every turn resolution. turnActions
is an array of actions to be resolved that turn. Useful for choosing the order in which actions are resolved when a turn is up.
By default, resolves all actions in turnActions
in order presented.
: (state, action[, time]) => state
Immediately preps and resolves action against the state.
: (state, actions[, time]) => state
Preps action, moves it into the state's pending array for later resolution.