This project was inspired by manage-fastapi! 🎉
This project is licensed under the terms of the BSD license.
- Pyenv or python >=3.11
- Docker and docker compose
- pip
- Create virtualenv
- Pyenv version
pyenv virtualenv 3.11 <project>
- Python version
python -m venv <project>
- Pyenv version
- Activate virtualenv
- Pyenv version
pyenv activate <project>
- Python version
source <dir/to/venv/bin>
- Pyenv version
- Install dependencies
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
- Install pre-commit
pre-commit install
- Run dev database
cd db && docker compose up -d
- Config and rename .env_sample file to .env
- Run devserver
When you make some changes to app.models files and you want to apply those changes you need to run alembic to detect those changes and apply to the database.
For this you'll need the dev database started because alembic need to check the current state of all migrations. So, before run with docker you need to create migrations.
How to do it?
- Init the dev db.
- Generate migrations files
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "<migration's name>"
- Apply migrations
alembic upgrade head
- Return to last migration if nedeed
alembic downgrade head
- Create migrations (It is not necessary to apply migrations to the dev db)
docker compose up -d