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edb - An EVM debugger and tool for predicting NFT


  1. Basic debugger like "gdb", with debugging features such as "breakpoint" and "single step".
  2. Low level instruction tracer, which logs all EVM operations, printing input/output arguments.
  3. High level tracer to make the it more readable.



Video tutorial: 1. Basic Usage 2. Predict NFT

How to "Predict NFTs"?

Many NFTs use very simple algorithm to randomize the minting result, or the upgrading. This is a demo NFT that used in above screenshot:

contract NFT {
	uint tokenId;

	function mint() external returns(bool) {
		tokenId ++;
		uint x = uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(
			block.timestamp, tokenId, msg.sender))) % 100;
		if (x > 5) {
			return false; // Common class
		} else {
			return true; // Rare class

It hashes sha3(block.timestamp, tokenId, msg.sender) and then MOD 100. If the result is less than 5 then it's a "Rare" one, so a user has 95% chance to mint a "Common" token.

But this is predictable, because:

  1. The block.timestamp increases by 3 every 3 seconds(on BSC).
  2. tokenId can be read from Storage.
  3. msg.sender is just wallet address.

Many similar params: DIFFICULTY, NUMBER, etc.

To predict this:

  1. Generate 1k+ wallets
  2. For each wallet, calculate sha3(timestamp+6, tokenId, walletAddress) % 100. Because on BSC, transaction always mined after 2 blocks, which is 6 seconds. Do this on every block.
  3. If wallet N got a "Rare" result, first, send enough Ether(or token) to N for minting(with higher gas fee to make sure it runs before the minting TX), and then send minting TX with N.
  4. You will always get a "Rare" one.

Why they still using simple algorithm?

Maybe because there is no perfect decompiler. The best one seems to be "panoramix", that used by "", but it still fails on many contracts.

How to trace the algo:

  1. Download Tx from an Archive Node, save it to json file:
>>> tx 0x__transaction_hash__ https://archive-node-rpc-url

If the archive node works, it will generate a "0x__transaction_hash__.json"

  1. load the json
>>> load  0x__transaction_hash__.json
  1. Start low/high tracer
>>> low 
>>> hi 
  1. Run the Tx
>>> c
  1. After it finishes executing, optimize it to high level code
>>> op

The low level instructions now printed in console and high level code saved to file. For the demo NFT, the result looks like: image

From the image, what it does is comparing SHA3(...) % 100 to 5.

It's also possible to stepping through the code and break at SHA3 to check the memory input, but that's inefficient.

About "Archive Node"

Described here. The Archive means it stores all the historical data, all the input/output memory/stack/gas/... for every bytecode execution. The server requires much more resource than a normal FullNode server. Some provider enables the tracing api for visiting those data, but that is costy.

Fortunately, some providers like provide free Archive Node without tracing api enabled, that's what we need for edb. Just register to get a free Archive Node for this.

Note: edb doesn't work with Normal FullNode, it has to be Archive Node


The blockhash is "random" enough, but you can't get it in your code because your code executes before it's generated. Hence some NFT separates the mint to two steps mint and open.

  • When mint, it saves the current block number N
  • When open, get blockhash(N) and use this along with other params to calculate the SHA3 You should limit the block number of open to the next 256 block since N, because you will always get 0 as block hash if it exceeds 256 block, which makes it predictable again. So if a user open after 256 block, always give him a "Common" class.

But even so, there're still 256 blocks you can try, means you have 256 chances to open a preferrable NFT. In practice, an NFT with 6 level, L1 to L6, we always get L2/L3, L1 is actually pretty "rare", but that's just the case of that particular NFT.

Maybe limit it to 128 block or less.

Please fire an issure if any better solution.


Just download the prebuilt executables from release page

Or build it yourself:

  1. Install Golang >= 1.18.1
  2. Clone this repo: git clone
  3. Go to binary dir: cd edb/main
  4. Run it with go run . or go build . to build.

Command List

help:                    Show this help
mem [offset [size]]:     Show memory
sto:                     Show Storage
s:                       Show Stack items
p [pc]:                  Show asm at current/target PC
load [.json]:            Reload current .json file(default: sample.json)
save [.json]:            Save context to current .json file(default: sample.json)
tx <tx_hash> <node_url>: Generate .json file from archive node
low:                     start low level trace
hi:                      start high level trace
op:                      Optimize and print result of high-level-trace
log:                     Log every executed EVM instruction to file
n:                       Single step
c:                       Continue
b l|d|op|pc:             Breakpoint list|delete|by opcode|by pc

Why this?

This was made to:

  1. Learn EVM.
  2. Learn Symbolic Execution.
  3. Predict NFTs :)


  1. gas calculation (This is much more complex than I thought, pretty hopeless)