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Environment setup files for OSX setup

Aug 15 (mackup)

[somewhat in desc order]

- ./darwin/ : the mac os (darwin) specific config files which include 
  - OS configs like Finder app prefs + keyboard modifier key + etc
  - homebrew file
  - system services
  - assets (fonts)
- ./home-manager/ : USER-level configs ("home files") that use/call/init ".config" folder files since they need to be setup
  - ./nix/ : nixos config files- 
  - programming lang files (zsh, python, justfile, )
- ./config/ : the template or exact copy of the config files for whichever program/app

Aug 9 2024 (zsh autocomplete + use ZDOTDIR setup to avoid using frameworks like OMZ)

Nix-based dotfiles setup (Jun 18) - (nix-direnv)

  • to run locally cloned GH repo, run nix-darwin with "-I darwin=." after cd-ing to dotfiles dir.
  • This will point to curr dir & expect a flake (so need to supply "--flake=." too)
$ cd ~/dotfiles
$ nix run nix-darwin -- switch -I darwin=. --flake .

Nix-based dotfiles setup (Jun 17)

Dotfiles setup (May 2, 2024 ~)

Use tools below ( should be updated to reflect this but WIP)

  • (blank state)
  • webi (web installer scripts) : to get started installing basic setup
    • install webi : curl -sS | sh
    • core tools using webi
      • git+curl (for asdf)
      • brew
      • pathman
      • aliasman
  • asdf (tooling manager)
    • (Git method) asdf download : git clone ~/.asdf --branch v0.14.0
    • (chezmoi should do this but just in case) setup asdf by appending to .zshrc the line . "$HOME/.asdf/"
    • install asdf-chezmoi for dotfiles and pull from personal GH dotfiles Github Repo (this project hosted on cloud)
  • chezmoi (dotfiles manager) : keeps dotfiles synced between machines
    • NOTE: uses "dotfiles/darwin" as chezmoi root when pulling from remote Github repo (configured by "dotfiles/.chezmoiroot" -
    • on chezmoi init (from GH dotfiles repo) install and configure secrets+credentials using Password Manager Bitwarden + CLI
      • ( + (
      • secrets (SSH, AWS, GH, etc) setup on local filesystem via from Bitwarden CLI
  • asdf (again but this time install ALL tools from chezmoi pulled dotfile .asdfrc + $HOME/.tool-versions)
    • core tools like (zsh + iterm2 + nerdfont + dotenv + watchexec + bat + curlie + delta + eza + zoxide + vim + direnv + jq + atuin + rg + etc)
    • ... direnv/asdf-direnv + zsh + pyenv + node + prettier + asdf-zoxide + fx + fzf + github-cli + asdf-uv + justfile + tmux + + etc
  • (TODO) custom Hank shell scripts? Symlinks? Aliases? VSCode setup? Global ignore files (gitignore, etc)
  • (TODO) Nix + Homebrew for rest of setup
    • Nix
      • nix-darwin (Mac configs)
      • home-manager ( +
  • (finally setup full state)

Archive (as of May 2, 2024)

0. Hardware setup

  • update modifier keys (e.g. Caps lock -> Ctrl)
  • enable key hold link
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false

1. Xcode Installation + other App Store apps

Install Brew

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Need to install Xcode CLI tools. Install them from the App Store

After installation, run the following command in the shell

~ $ sudo xcodebuild -license accept # License agreement (accept all)
~ $ xcode-select --install   # Command Line Tool installation

2. SSH setup

Generate appropriate SSH key pairs on Github (or other repository service)

Github SSH help link

3. Install dotfiles setup

Make sure the dotfiles directory is downloaded to $HOME directory

4. Run dotfiles setup

Open necessary files to update correct Git user info

# ~/dotfiles/scripts/ <--- copy afresh from

GIT_EMAIL="[email protected]"

Run dotfiles setup script

~/dotfiles $ bash # (v1) TODO: deprecate
~/dotfiles $ bash # (v2)

5. Iterm2 setup

Change iterm2 font to one that supports Powerline

Install Google Material color scheme for Iterm2 (or whichever color preset you'd like)

Update iTerm2 key for FZF

  • (Pref -> Profiles -> Keys -> Left Option Key = Esc+)

App Store setup (listed in Brewfile as 'mas' deps)

main tools configuration setup


  • install Vim plugins (in .vimrc) by entering vim in shell, and then ":PlugInstall"

Python (installed by Brewfile)

  • pyenv ---> shoudl be installed by Homebrew
pyenv install 3.10 # installs python version (3.10)
pyenv versions # list installed python versions
pyenv global 3.10 # set global default version

Node/nvm (nvm installed by Brewfile)

  • nvm install global version
$ nvm install node # installs latest "node" version
$ nvm ls
$ nvm alias default node # set global default version
# ...
$ nvm use node # specify a version of node to use now


  • login to Github user for settings sync
  • most custom changes are in Bear notes tag "vscode"


  • login to Jetbrains user for settings sync
  • most custom changes are in Bear notes tag "datagrip"



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