- 👨 My name is Ahmad Fathy, I am from Egypt and I am 25 years old.
- 💻 I am a full stack web developer using JavaScript in almost all of my works.
Html, Css, JS, JQuery, Bootstrap, Ajax, Vue.js, Vuex, Nuxt.js, Pug, Ejs, Sass, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, mongoose, Git/Github.
Canvas, SVG, Three.js, P5.js, React.
Php, MySQL, Electron, NativeScript, C++, VisualBasic.
July 2020: I graduated from specific education college and I got the first place in my department (educational technology department) 🎉🎉 and the second place in my college 🎉🎉 with GPA: 3.675. And I got an A+ in my graduation project ICC(Internal Computer Components).
[email protected]
Ahmad Fathy
My pc is my friend I talk to him a lot, sometimes beautiful things are produced from our talks.