-- archive-new folder: contains midi files by artists/bands - collected from Lakh Midi dataset -cleaned subset.
-- getlyrics.ipynb notebook: contains the script to collect the lyrics of the songs using Genius API and song features metadata using spotify WebAPI.
-- jsonAnalysis.ipynb notebook: contains the script to extract the features of midi files and analyse the common generes/ sentiments/ musical features.
-- lyricAnalysis.ipynb notebook: contains the script to extract sentiment, keywords and topic words from the song lyrics and generates a uniform styled textual prompt for each song based on the analyzed lyrical features and musical features.
-- processed_lyrics_sentiment_keywords.csv: contains data of idi_file_path, artist_name, song_title, sentiment, keywords, spotify_metadata, topics, prompt
- Navigate into the musicGenInference directory.
- In that there are three notebooks which have self-contained codes
-- musicGen_inference.ipynb: this has the musicGen-small inference code, run on our system
-- MusicGen_medium_colab.ipynb: this has the musicGen-medium inference code, run on colab
-- musicGen_visualization.ipynb: this has code which is used to visualize .wav files generated by the models