REST Bindings for SugarCRM!
RubyGem for interacting with SugarCRM via REST.
A less clunky way to interact with SugarCRM via REST.
I’ve built an abstraction layer on top of the SugarCRM REST API, instead of get_entry(“Users”, “1”) you can call SugarCRM::User.find(1). There is also support for collections à la SugarCRM::User.find(1).email_addresses.
ActiveRecord style finders are in place, with limited support for conditions and joins e.g. SugarCRM::Contacts.find_by_title(“VP of Sales”) will work, but SugarCRM::Contacts.find_by_title(“VP of Sales”, {:conditions => {:deleted => 0}}) will not.
Supports all v2 API calls
Supports saving of Module specific objects.
Auto-generation of Module specific objects. When a connection is established, get_available_modules is called and the resultant modules are turned into SugarCRM::Module classes.
If you just want to use the vanilla API, you can access the methods directly on the SugarCRM.connection object.
require 'sugarcrm' # Establish a connection SugarCRM.connect("http://localhost/sugarcrm", 'user', 'password') # Enable debugging on the current connection SugarCRM.connection.debug = true # Get the logged in user SugarCRM.current_user # Show a list of available modules SugarCRM.modules # Retrieve a User by user_name SugarCRM::User.find_by_user_name("admin") # Update a User's title u = SugarCRM::User.find_by_first_name_and_last_name("Will", "Westin") u.title = "Sales Manager Central" # Check if an object is valid (i.e. if it has the required fields to save) u.valid? # Access the errors collection u.errors # Delete an Account a = SugarCRM::Account.find_by_name("JAB Funds Ltd.") a.delete # Retrieve all Email Addresses assigned to a particular user. SugarCRM::User.find_by_user_name('sarah').email_addresses # Retrieve all email addresses on an Account SugarCRM::Account.find_by_name("JAB Funds Ltd.").contacts.each do |contact| contact.email_addresses.each do |email| puts "#{email.email_address}" unless email.opt_out == "1" end end # Look up the fields for a given module SugarCRM::Module.find("Accounts").fields # Look up the relationships for a given module SugarCRM::Module.find("Accounts").link_fields # Use the HTTP Connection and SugarCRM API to load the Admin user SugarCRM.connection.get_entry("Users", 1) # Retrieve all Accounts by user name (direct API method) SugarCRM.connection.get_entry_list( "Users", "users.user_name = \'sarah\'", { :link_fields => [ { "name" => "accounts", "value" => ["id", "name"] } ] } )
>= activesupport 3.0.0 gem
json gem
sudo gem install sugarcrm
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Make your feature addition or bug fix.
Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Copyright © 2010 Carl Hicks. See LICENSE for details.